123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235 |
- clear;
- close all;
- clc;
- addpath('Quaternions');
- addpath('ximu_matlab_library');
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Select dataset (comment in/out)
- %
- % filePath = 'Datasets/straightLine';
- % startTime = 6;
- % stopTime = 26;
- % filePath = 'Datasets/stairsAndCorridor';
- % startTime = 5;
- % stopTime = 53;
- filePath = 'Datasets/spiralStairs';
- startTime = 4;
- stopTime = 47;
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Import data
- samplePeriod = 1/256;
- xIMUdata = xIMUdataClass(filePath, 'InertialMagneticSampleRate', 1/samplePeriod);
- time = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Time;
- gyrX = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Gyroscope.X;
- gyrY = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Gyroscope.Y;
- gyrZ = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Gyroscope.Z;
- accX = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Accelerometer.X;
- accY = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Accelerometer.Y;
- accZ = xIMUdata.CalInertialAndMagneticData.Accelerometer.Z;
- clear('xIMUdata');
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Manually frame data
- % startTime = 0;
- % stopTime = 10;
- indexSel = find(sign(time-startTime)+1, 1) : find(sign(time-stopTime)+1, 1);
- time = time(indexSel);
- gyrX = gyrX(indexSel, :);
- gyrY = gyrY(indexSel, :);
- gyrZ = gyrZ(indexSel, :);
- accX = accX(indexSel, :);
- accY = accY(indexSel, :);
- accZ = accZ(indexSel, :);
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Detect stationary periods
- % Compute accelerometer magnitude
- acc_mag = sqrt(accX.*accX + accY.*accY + accZ.*accZ);
- % HP filter accelerometer data
- filtCutOff = 0.001;
- [b, a] = butter(1, (2*filtCutOff)/(1/samplePeriod), 'high');
- acc_magFilt = filtfilt(b, a, acc_mag);
- % Compute absolute value
- acc_magFilt = abs(acc_magFilt);
- % LP filter accelerometer data
- filtCutOff = 5;
- [b, a] = butter(1, (2*filtCutOff)/(1/samplePeriod), 'low');
- acc_magFilt = filtfilt(b, a, acc_magFilt);
- % Threshold detection
- stationary = acc_magFilt < 0.05;
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Plot data raw sensor data and stationary periods
- figure('Position', [9 39 900 600], 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Sensor Data');
- ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1);
- hold on;
- plot(time, gyrX, 'r');
- plot(time, gyrY, 'g');
- plot(time, gyrZ, 'b');
- title('Gyroscope');
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Angular velocity (^\circ/s)');
- legend('X', 'Y', 'Z');
- hold off;
- ax(2) = subplot(2,1,2);
- hold on;
- plot(time, accX, 'r');
- plot(time, accY, 'g');
- plot(time, accZ, 'b');
- plot(time, acc_magFilt, ':k');
- plot(time, stationary, 'k', 'LineWidth', 2);
- title('Accelerometer');
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Acceleration (g)');
- legend('X', 'Y', 'Z', 'Filtered', 'Stationary');
- hold off;
- linkaxes(ax,'x');
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Compute orientation
- quat = zeros(length(time), 4);
- AHRSalgorithm = AHRS('SamplePeriod', 1/256, 'Kp', 1, 'KpInit', 1);
- % Initial convergence¼ÆËã³õʼËÄÔªÊý
- initPeriod = 2;
- indexSel = 1 : find(sign(time-(time(1)+initPeriod))+1, 1);
- for i = 1:2000
- AHRSalgorithm.UpdateIMU([0 0 0], [mean(accX(indexSel)) mean(accY(indexSel)) mean(accZ(indexSel))]);
- end
- % For all data
- for t = 1:length(time)
- if(stationary(t))
- AHRSalgorithm.Kp = 0.5;
- else
- AHRSalgorithm.Kp = 0;
- end
- AHRSalgorithm.UpdateIMU(deg2rad([gyrX(t) gyrY(t) gyrZ(t)]), [accX(t) accY(t) accZ(t)]);
- quat(t,:) = AHRSalgorithm.Quaternion;
- end
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Compute translational accelerations
- % Rotate body accelerations to Earth frame
- acc = quaternRotate([accX accY accZ], quaternConj(quat));
- % % Remove gravity from measurements
- % acc = acc - [zeros(length(time), 2) ones(length(time), 1)]; % unnecessary due to velocity integral drift compensation
- % Convert acceleration measurements to m/s/s
- acc = acc * 9.81;
- % Plot translational accelerations
- figure('Position', [9 39 900 300], 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Accelerations');
- hold on;
- plot(time, acc(:,1), 'r');
- plot(time, acc(:,2), 'g');
- plot(time, acc(:,3), 'b');
- title('Acceleration');
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Acceleration (m/s/s)');
- legend('X', 'Y', 'Z');
- hold off;
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Compute translational velocities
- acc(:,3) = acc(:,3) - 9.81;
- % Integrate acceleration to yield velocity
- vel = zeros(size(acc));
- for t = 2:length(vel)
- vel(t,:) = vel(t-1,:) + acc(t,:) * samplePeriod;
- if(stationary(t) == 1)
- vel(t,:) = [0 0 0]; % force zero velocity when foot stationary
- end
- end
- % Compute integral drift during non-stationary periods
- velDrift = zeros(size(vel));
- stationaryStart = find([0; diff(stationary)] == -1);
- stationaryEnd = find([0; diff(stationary)] == 1);
- for i = 1:numel(stationaryEnd)
- driftRate = vel(stationaryEnd(i)-1, :) / (stationaryEnd(i) - stationaryStart(i));
- enum = 1:(stationaryEnd(i) - stationaryStart(i));
- drift = [enum'*driftRate(1) enum'*driftRate(2) enum'*driftRate(3)];
- velDrift(stationaryStart(i):stationaryEnd(i)-1, :) = drift;
- end
- % Remove integral drift
- vel = vel - velDrift;
- % Plot translational velocity
- figure('Position', [9 39 900 300], 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Velocity');
- hold on;
- plot(time, vel(:,1), 'r');
- plot(time, vel(:,2), 'g');
- plot(time, vel(:,3), 'b');
- title('Velocity');
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Velocity (m/s)');
- legend('X', 'Y', 'Z');
- hold off;
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Compute translational position
- % Integrate velocity to yield position
- pos = zeros(size(vel));
- for t = 2:length(pos)
- pos(t,:) = pos(t-1,:) + vel(t,:) * samplePeriod; % integrate velocity to yield position
- end
- % Plot translational position
- figure('Position', [9 39 900 600], 'NumberTitle', 'off', 'Name', 'Position');
- hold on;
- plot(time, pos(:,1), 'r');
- plot(time, pos(:,2), 'g');
- plot(time, pos(:,3), 'b');
- title('Position');
- xlabel('Time (s)');
- ylabel('Position (m)');
- legend('X', 'Y', 'Z');
- hold off;
- % -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- % Plot 3D foot trajectory
- % % Remove stationary periods from data to plot
- % posPlot = pos(find(~stationary), :);
- % quatPlot = quat(find(~stationary), :);
- posPlot = pos;
- quatPlot = quat;
- % Extend final sample to delay end of animation
- extraTime = 20;
- onesVector = ones(extraTime*(1/samplePeriod), 1);
- posPlot = [posPlot; [posPlot(end, 1)*onesVector, posPlot(end, 2)*onesVector, posPlot(end, 3)*onesVector]];
- quatPlot = [quatPlot; [quatPlot(end, 1)*onesVector, quatPlot(end, 2)*onesVector, quatPlot(end, 3)*onesVector, quatPlot(end, 4)*onesVector]];
- % Create 6 DOF animation
- SamplePlotFreq = 4;
- Spin = 120;
- SixDofAnimation(posPlot, quatern2rotMat(quatPlot), ...
- 'SamplePlotFreq', SamplePlotFreq, 'Trail', 'All', ...
- 'Position', [9 39 1280 768], 'View', [(100:(Spin/(length(posPlot)-1)):(100+Spin))', 10*ones(length(posPlot), 1)], ...
- 'AxisLength', 0.1, 'ShowArrowHead', false, ...
- 'Xlabel', 'X (m)', 'Ylabel', 'Y (m)', 'Zlabel', 'Z (m)', 'ShowLegend', false, ...
- 'CreateAVI', false, 'AVIfileNameEnum', false, 'AVIfps', ((1/samplePeriod) / SamplePlotFreq));