liangjianbo 732ff1fa10 提交9250工程 4 years ago
Common 732ff1fa10 提交9250工程 4 years ago
MemMang 732ff1fa10 提交9250工程 4 years ago
readme.txt 732ff1fa10 提交9250工程 4 years ago


Each real time kernel port consists of three files that contain the core kernel
components and are common to every port, and one or more files that are
specific to a particular microcontroller and/or compiler.

+ The FreeRTOS/Source/Portable/MemMang directory contains the five sample
memory allocators as described on the WEB site.

+ The other directories each contain files specific to a particular
microcontroller or compiler, where the directory name denotes the compiler
specific files the directory contains.

For example, if you are interested in the [compiler] port for the [architecture]
microcontroller, then the port specific files are contained in
FreeRTOS/Source/Portable/[compiler]/[architecture] directory. If this is the
only port you are interested in then all the other directories can be