/* Includes ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "lsm6ds3tr_c.h" #include "drv_qmc6310.h" #include "bsp_spi.h" /* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/ #define BOOT_TIME 15 //ms #define WAIT_TIME_A 100 //ms #define WAIT_TIME_G_01 150 //ms #define WAIT_TIME_G_02 50 //ms /* Self test limits. */ #define MIN_ST_LIMIT_mg 90.0f #define MAX_ST_LIMIT_mg 1700.0f #define MIN_ST_LIMIT_mdps 150000.0f #define MAX_ST_LIMIT_mdps 700000.0f /* Self test results. */ #define ST_PASS 1U #define ST_FAIL 0U #define MIN_ODR(x, y) (x < y ? x : y) #define MAX_ODR(x, y) (x > y ? x : y) #define MAX_PATTERN_NUM FIFO_THRESHOLD / 6 #define LSM6DS3_ODR_LSB_TO_HZ(_odr) (_odr ? (13 << (_odr - 1)) : 0) #define ACC_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE 3 #define GRY_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE 3 #define MAG_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE 3 #define TIMESTAMP_OUT_WORD_SIZE 3 #define USED_ACC_FIFO_104_HZ LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_104Hz #define USED_GRY_FIFO_104_HZ LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_104Hz #define USED_FIFO_104_HZ LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_104Hz //同时也是timestamp的频率 #define TIMEOUT 200 #define SENSOR_HUB_HZ LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_1k66Hz /* Private type -------------------------------------------------------------*/ typedef union{ int16_t i16bit[3]; uint8_t u8bit[6]; } axis3bit16_t; typedef struct { uint8_t enable; lsm6ds3tr_c_odr_xl_t odr; uint16_t odr_hz_val; lsm6ds3tr_c_fs_xl_t fs; uint8_t decimation; uint8_t samples_num_in_pattern; } sensor_lsm6ds3_xl; typedef struct { uint8_t enable; lsm6ds3tr_c_odr_g_t odr; uint16_t odr_hz_val; lsm6ds3tr_c_fs_g_t fs; uint8_t decimation; uint8_t samples_num_in_pattern; } sensor_lsm6ds3_gy; /* static variable ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ static uint8_t whoamI, rst; static stmdev_ctx_t dev_ctx; static axis3bit16_t data_raw_acceleration; static axis3bit16_t data_raw_angular_rate; static axis3bit16_t data_raw_magnetic; static axis3bit16_t data_raw_timestamp; static lsm6ds3tr_c_emb_sh_read_t raw_data; static uint16_t acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len = ACC_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE + MAG_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE + TIMESTAMP_OUT_WORD_SIZE; static uint16_t gry_acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len = GRY_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE + ACC_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE + MAG_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE + TIMESTAMP_OUT_WORD_SIZE; /* 6ds3 Accelerometer test parameters */ static sensor_lsm6ds3_xl config_6ds3_xl; /* 6ds3 Gyroscope test parameters */ static sensor_lsm6ds3_gy config_6ds3_gyro; lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_cfg_read_t qmc6310 = { .slv_add = 0x1C, .slv_subadd = QMC6310_DATA_OUT_X_LSB_REG, //预备读取qmc6310地磁数据的寄存器 .slv_len = MAG_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE * 2, //转为字节长度 }; /* static fuction ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** Please note that is MANDATORY: return 0 -> no Error.**/ static int32_t platform_front_write(void *handle, uint8_t reg, const uint8_t *bufp, uint16_t len) { int32_t ierror = 0; if(SPI0_OnlyWriteReg(BOARD_SPI0_CS0_IO, reg, (uint8_t *)bufp, len)) { ierror = -1; } return ierror; } static int32_t platform_front_read(void *handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *bufp, uint16_t len) { int32_t ierror = 0; if(SPI0_OnlyReadReg(BOARD_SPI0_CS0_IO, reg, bufp, len)) { ierror = -1; } return ierror; } static int32_t platform_center_write(void *handle, uint8_t reg, const uint8_t *bufp, uint16_t len) { int32_t ierror = 0; // if(SPI1_OnlyWriteReg(BOARD_SPI1_CS0_IO, reg, (uint8_t *)bufp, len)) // { // ierror = -1; // } return ierror; } static int32_t platform_center_read(void *handle, uint8_t reg, uint8_t *bufp, uint16_t len) { int32_t ierror = 0; // if(SPI1_OnlyReadReg(BOARD_SPI1_CS0_IO, reg, bufp, len)) // { // ierror = -1; // } return ierror; } static void platform_delay(uint32_t ms) { nrf_delay_ms(ms); } static void switch_dev(lsm_device_t dex_num) { /* Initialize mems driver interface */ switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: dev_ctx.write_reg = platform_front_write; dev_ctx.read_reg = platform_front_read; dev_ctx.handle = NULL; break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: dev_ctx.write_reg = platform_center_write; dev_ctx.read_reg = platform_center_read; dev_ctx.handle = NULL; break; } } /* Read data byte from internal register of a slave device connected * to master I2C interface * 注意:因为该函数会配置加速度的采样率 */ static int32_t lsm6ds3tr_c_read_sensor_hub_cx(stmdev_ctx_t *dev_ctx, uint8_t device_addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,uint16_t len) { axis3bit16_t data_raw_acceleration; int32_t mm_error; uint8_t drdy; lsm6ds3tr_c_all_sources_t endop; lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_cfg_read_t val = { .slv_add = device_addr, .slv_subadd = reg, .slv_len = len, }; /* Disable accelerometer */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF); /* Configure Sensor Hub to read QMC6310 */ /* Prepare sensor hub to read data from external Slave0 */ mm_error = lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_slv0_cfg_read(dev_ctx, &val); /* Configure Sensor Hub to read two slaves */ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_num_of_dev_connected_set(dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_SLV_0_1_2_3); //这里注意,IIC要比你外设多一个,原因未知,不这么做容易读不到数据。 lsm6ds3tr_c_func_en_set(dev_ctx,PROPERTY_ENABLE); /* Enable I2C Master and I2C master Pull Up */ /* Enable master and XL trigger */ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_master_set(dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_pin_mode_set(dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_INTERNAL_PULL_UP); /* Enable accelerometer to trigger Sensor Hub operation */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(dev_ctx, SENSOR_HUB_HZ); /* Wait Sensor Hub operation flag set */ lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(dev_ctx, data_raw_acceleration.i16bit); uint16_t timeout = TIMEOUT; do { lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_flag_data_ready_get(dev_ctx, &drdy); timeout--; } while (!drdy && timeout!=0); // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"read sensor hub timeout_1:%d\n",timeout); if(timeout == 0)return -1; timeout = TIMEOUT; do { lsm6ds3tr_c_all_sources_get(dev_ctx,&endop); timeout--; } while (!endop.func_src1.sensorhub_end_op && timeout!=0); // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"read sensor hub timeout_2:%d\n",timeout); if(timeout == 0)return -1; lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF); lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_read_data_raw_get(dev_ctx, &raw_data); memcpy(data,&raw_data,len); lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_master_set(dev_ctx, PROPERTY_DISABLE); lsm6ds3tr_c_func_en_set(dev_ctx,PROPERTY_DISABLE); return mm_error; } /* Write data byte to internal register of a slave device connected * to master I2C interface * 必须先配置外挂的地磁先,之后才能配置加速度或陀螺仪。因为该函数会配置加速度的采样率 */ static int32_t lsm6ds3_write_sensor_hub_cx(stmdev_ctx_t *dev_ctx, uint8_t device_addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data) { axis3bit16_t data_raw_acceleration; int32_t mm_error; uint8_t drdy; lsm6ds3tr_c_all_sources_t endop; lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_cfg_write_t val = { .slv0_add = device_addr, .slv0_subadd = reg, .slv0_data = *data, }; /* Disable accelerometer */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF); /* Configure Sensor Hub to write */ mm_error = lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_cfg_write(dev_ctx, &val); lsm6ds3tr_c_func_en_set(dev_ctx,PROPERTY_ENABLE); /* Enable I2C Master and I2C master Pull Up */ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_master_set(dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_pin_mode_set(dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_INTERNAL_PULL_UP); /* Enable accelerometer to trigger Sensor Hub operation */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(dev_ctx, SENSOR_HUB_HZ); /* Wait Sensor Hub operation flag set */ lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(dev_ctx, data_raw_acceleration.i16bit); uint16_t timeout = TIMEOUT; do { lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_flag_data_ready_get(dev_ctx, &drdy); timeout--; } while (!drdy && timeout !=0); // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"write sensor hub timeout_1:%d\n",timeout); if(timeout == 0)return -1; timeout = TIMEOUT; do { lsm6ds3tr_c_all_sources_get(dev_ctx,&endop); timeout--; } while (!endop.func_src1.sensorhub_end_op && timeout!=0); // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"write sensor hub timeout_2:%d\n",timeout); if(timeout == 0)return -1; lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF); lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_master_set(dev_ctx, PROPERTY_DISABLE); lsm6ds3tr_c_func_en_set(dev_ctx,PROPERTY_DISABLE); return mm_error; } /* API ------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int32_t lsm6ds3tr_c_switch_read_sensor_hub_cx(lsm_device_t dex_num, uint8_t device_addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data,uint16_t len) { switch_dev(dex_num); return lsm6ds3tr_c_read_sensor_hub_cx(&dev_ctx, device_addr, reg, data,len); } int32_t lsm6ds3_c_switch_write_sensor_hub_cx(lsm_device_t dex_num, uint8_t device_addr, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data) { switch_dev(dex_num); return lsm6ds3_write_sensor_hub_cx(&dev_ctx, device_addr, reg, data); } int lsm6ds3tr_c_init(lsm_device_t dex_num) { int16_t data_raw[3]; float val_st_off[3]; float val_st_on[3]; float test_val[3]; uint8_t st_result; uint8_t drdy; uint8_t i; uint8_t j; switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: nrf_gpio_cfg( PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER, NRF_GPIO_PIN_DIR_OUTPUT, NRF_GPIO_PIN_INPUT_DISCONNECT, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOPULL, NRF_GPIO_PIN_H0H1, NRF_GPIO_PIN_NOSENSE); //供电 nrf_gpio_cfg_output(BOARD_SPI0_MISO_IO); nrf_gpio_cfg_output(BOARD_SPI0_MOSI_IO); nrf_gpio_cfg_output(BOARD_SPI0_CLK_IO); nrf_gpio_cfg_output(PIN_FRONT_SPI_nCS); nrf_gpio_pin_write(BOARD_SPI0_MISO_IO,0); nrf_gpio_pin_write(BOARD_SPI0_MOSI_IO,0); nrf_gpio_pin_write(BOARD_SPI0_CLK_IO,0); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SPI_nCS,0); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,0); platform_delay(100); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,1); platform_delay(100); SPI0_Init(); break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: // SPI1_Init(); break; } switch_dev(dex_num); lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); /* Wait sensor boot time */ platform_delay(BOOT_TIME); /* Check device ID */ lsm6ds3tr_c_device_id_get(&dev_ctx, &whoamI); if(whoamI != LSM6DS3TR_C_ID) { SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_init error:%d!!!\r\n",dex_num); return -1; } /* Restore default configuration */ lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); do { lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_get(&dev_ctx, &rst); } while(rst); // /* Enable Block Data Update */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_block_data_update_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); /* * Accelerometer Self Test */ /* Set Output Data Rate */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_52Hz); /* Set full scale */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_4g); /* Wait stable output */ platform_delay(WAIT_TIME_A); /* Check if new value available */ do { lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_flag_data_ready_get(&dev_ctx, &drdy); } while (!drdy); /* Read dummy data and discard it */ lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw); /* Read 5 sample and get the average vale for each axis */ memset(val_st_off, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(float)); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* Check if new value available */ do { lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_flag_data_ready_get(&dev_ctx, &drdy); } while (!drdy); /* Read data and accumulate the mg value */ lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { val_st_off[j] += lsm6ds3tr_c_from_fs4g_to_mg(data_raw[j]); } } /* Calculate the mg average values */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { val_st_off[i] /= 5.0f; } /* Enable Self Test positive (or negative) */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_self_test_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ST_NEGATIVE); //lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_self_test_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ST_POSITIVE); /* Wait stable output */ platform_delay(WAIT_TIME_A); /* Check if new value available */ do { lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_flag_data_ready_get(&dev_ctx, &drdy); } while (!drdy); /* Read dummy data and discard it */ lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw); /* Read 5 sample and get the average vale for each axis */ memset(val_st_on, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(float)); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* Check if new value available */ do { lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_flag_data_ready_get(&dev_ctx, &drdy); } while (!drdy); /* Read data and accumulate the mg value */ lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { val_st_on[j] += lsm6ds3tr_c_from_fs4g_to_mg(data_raw[j]); } } /* Calculate the mg average values */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { val_st_on[i] /= 5.0f; } /* Calculate the mg values for self test */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { test_val[i] = fabs((val_st_on[i] - val_st_off[i])); } /* Check self test limit */ st_result = ST_PASS; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (( MIN_ST_LIMIT_mg > test_val[i] ) || ( test_val[i] > MAX_ST_LIMIT_mg)) { st_result = ST_FAIL; } } /* Disable Self Test */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_self_test_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ST_DISABLE); /* Disable sensor. */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF); /* * Gyroscope Self Test */ /* Set Output Data Rate */ lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_208Hz); /* Set full scale */ lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_2000dps); /* Wait stable output */ platform_delay(WAIT_TIME_G_01); /* Check if new value available */ do { lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_flag_data_ready_get(&dev_ctx, &drdy); } while (!drdy); /* Read dummy data and discard it */ lsm6ds3tr_c_angular_rate_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw); /* Read 5 sample and get the average vale for each axis */ memset(val_st_off, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(float)); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* Check if new value available */ do { lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_flag_data_ready_get(&dev_ctx, &drdy); } while (!drdy); /* Read data and accumulate the mg value */ lsm6ds3tr_c_angular_rate_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { val_st_off[j] += lsm6ds3tr_c_from_fs2000dps_to_mdps( data_raw[j]); } } /* Calculate the mg average values */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { val_st_off[i] /= 5.0f; } /* Enable Self Test positive (or negative) */ lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_self_test_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ST_POSITIVE); //lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_self_test_set(&dev_ctx, LIS2DH12_GY_ST_NEGATIVE); /* Wait stable output */ platform_delay(WAIT_TIME_G_02); /* Read 5 sample and get the average vale for each axis */ memset(val_st_on, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(float)); for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { /* Check if new value available */ do { lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_flag_data_ready_get(&dev_ctx, &drdy); } while (!drdy); /* Read data and accumulate the mg value */ lsm6ds3tr_c_angular_rate_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { val_st_on[j] += lsm6ds3tr_c_from_fs2000dps_to_mdps( data_raw[j]); } } /* Calculate the mg average values */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { val_st_on[i] /= 5.0f; } /* Calculate the mg values for self test */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { test_val[i] = fabs((val_st_on[i] - val_st_off[i])); } /* Check self test limit */ for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (( MIN_ST_LIMIT_mdps > test_val[i] ) || ( test_val[i] > MAX_ST_LIMIT_mdps)) { st_result = ST_FAIL; } } /* Disable Self Test */ lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_self_test_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ST_DISABLE); /* Disable sensor. */ lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_OFF); if (st_result == ST_PASS) { SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"Self Test:%d - PASS\r\n",dex_num); } else { SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"Self Test:%d - FAIL\r\n",dex_num); return -1; } return 0; } void lsm6ds3tr_c_read_data_polling_mode(lsm_device_t dex_num) { // /* 6ds3 Accelerometer test parameters */ // config_6ds3_xl.enable = PROPERTY_ENABLE; // config_6ds3_xl.odr = LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_104Hz; // config_6ds3_xl.odr_hz_val = 0; // config_6ds3_xl.fs = LSM6DS3TR_C_16g; // config_6ds3_xl.decimation = 0; // config_6ds3_xl.samples_num_in_pattern = 0; // /* 6ds3 Gyroscope test parameters */ // config_6ds3_gyro.enable = PROPERTY_ENABLE; // config_6ds3_gyro.odr = LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_104Hz; // config_6ds3_gyro.odr_hz_val = 0; // config_6ds3_gyro.fs = LSM6DS3TR_C_2000dps; // config_6ds3_gyro.decimation = 0; // config_6ds3_gyro.samples_num_in_pattern = 0; // // switch_dev(dex_num); // /* Check device ID */ // whoamI = 0; // lsm6ds3tr_c_device_id_get(&dev_ctx, &whoamI); // if(whoamI != LSM6DS3TR_C_ID) // { // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_read_data_polling_config error:%d!!!\r\n",dex_num); // return; // } // // /* Restore default configuration */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); // do { // lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_get(&dev_ctx, &rst); // } while (rst); // /* Enable Block Data Update */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_block_data_update_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); // // lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_power_mode_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_NORMAL); // // lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_power_mode_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_NORMAL); // // /* Set Output Data Rate */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.odr); // lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_gyro.odr); // /* Set full scale */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.fs); // lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_gyro.fs); // // platform_delay(20); // // /* Configure filtering chain(No aux interface) */ // /* Accelerometer - analog filter */ //// lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_filter_analog_set(&dev_ctx, //// LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ANA_BW_400Hz); //// /* Accelerometer - LPF1 path ( LPF2 not used )*/ //// //lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_lp1_bandwidth_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_LP1_ODR_DIV_4); //// /* Accelerometer - LPF1 + LPF2 path */ //// lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_lp2_bandwidth_set(&dev_ctx, //// LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_LOW_NOISE_LP_ODR_DIV_100); //// /* Accelerometer - High Pass / Slope path */ //// //lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_reference_mode_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_DISABLE); //// //lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_hp_bandwidth_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_HP_ODR_DIV_100); //// /* Gyroscope - filtering chain */ //// lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_band_pass_set(&dev_ctx, //// LSM6DS3TR_C_HP_260mHz_LP1_STRONG); } void lsm6ds3tr_c_read_data_polling(lsm_device_t dex_num, int16_t *acc, int16_t *gry, int16_t *temp) { // switch_dev(dex_num); // // /* Read samples in polling mode (no int) */ // /* Read output only if new value is available */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_reg_t reg; // lsm6ds3tr_c_status_reg_get(&dev_ctx, ®.status_reg); // if (reg.status_reg.xlda) { // /* Read acc field data */ // memset( data_raw_acceleration.i16bit, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(int16_t)); // lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(&dev_ctx, // data_raw_acceleration.i16bit); // acc[0] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[0]; // acc[1] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[1]; // acc[2] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[2]; // } // if (reg.status_reg.gda) { // /* Read gry field data */ // memset(data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(int16_t)); // lsm6ds3tr_c_angular_rate_raw_get(&dev_ctx, // data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit); // gry[0] = data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit[0]; // gry[1] = data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit[1]; // gry[2] = data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit[2]; // } // if (reg.status_reg.tda) { // /* Read temperature data */ // memset(&data_raw_temperature, 0x00, sizeof(int16_t)); // lsm6ds3tr_c_temperature_raw_get(&dev_ctx, &data_raw_temperature); // *temp = data_raw_temperature; // } // } void lsm6ds3tr_c_standby_power_acc_mode_config(lsm_device_t dex_num) { switch_dev(dex_num); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,0); platform_delay(3); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,1); platform_delay(3); /* 6ds3 Accelerometer test parameters */ config_6ds3_xl.enable = PROPERTY_ENABLE; config_6ds3_xl.odr = USED_ACC_FIFO_104_HZ; config_6ds3_xl.odr_hz_val = 0; config_6ds3_xl.fs = LSM6DS3TR_C_16g; config_6ds3_xl.decimation = 0; config_6ds3_xl.samples_num_in_pattern = 0; /* Check device ID */ whoamI = 0; lsm6ds3tr_c_device_id_get(&dev_ctx, &whoamI); if(whoamI != LSM6DS3TR_C_ID) { SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_low_power_acc_mode_config error:%d!!!\r\n",dex_num); return; } /* Restore default configuration */ lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); do { lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_get(&dev_ctx, &rst); } while (rst); lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_power_mode_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_NORMAL); lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.fs); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_sleep_mode_set(&dev_ctx, 1); } void lsm6ds3tr_c_standby_power_acc_mode_start(lsm_device_t dex_num) { switch_dev(dex_num); /* Set XL Output Data Rate */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.odr); } void lsm6ds3tr_c_standby_power_acc_read(lsm_device_t dex_num, int16_t *acc) { switch_dev(dex_num); /* Read samples in polling mode (no int) */ /* Read output only if new value is available */ lsm6ds3tr_c_reg_t reg; lsm6ds3tr_c_status_reg_get(&dev_ctx, ®.status_reg); if (reg.status_reg.xlda) { /* Read magnetic field data */ memset( data_raw_acceleration.i16bit, 0x00, 3 * sizeof(int16_t)); lsm6ds3tr_c_acceleration_raw_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_acceleration.i16bit); acc[0] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[0]; acc[1] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[1]; acc[2] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[2]; #if DEBUG_IMU SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"dev:%d h_ax=%d\r,h_ay=%d\r,h_az=%d\r\n",dex_num,acc[0],acc[1],acc[2]); #endif } } int16_t lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_read_group_num(lsm_device_t dex_num, lsm_mode_t fifo_mode) { uint8_t wt; uint16_t num = 0; uint16_t num_pattern = 0; switch_dev(dex_num); /* Read FIFO watermark flag in polling mode */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_wtm_flag_get(&dev_ctx, &wt); if(wt) { /* Read number of word in FIFO */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_data_level_get(&dev_ctx, &num); // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"---------->dex_num:%d num:%d!!!\r\n",dex_num,num); switch(fifo_mode) { case LSM_STATE_ACC_MODE: break; case LSM_STATE_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE: num_pattern = num / acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len; break; case LSM_STATE_GRY_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE: num_pattern = num / gry_acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len; break; case LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE: num_pattern = 0; break; } } return num_pattern; } void lsm6ds3tr_c_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_mode_config(lsm_device_t dex_num) { switch_dev(dex_num); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,0); platform_delay(3); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,1); platform_delay(3); /* 6ds3 Accelerometer test parameters */ config_6ds3_xl.enable = PROPERTY_ENABLE; config_6ds3_xl.odr = USED_ACC_FIFO_104_HZ; config_6ds3_xl.odr_hz_val = 0; config_6ds3_xl.fs = LSM6DS3TR_C_16g; config_6ds3_xl.decimation = 0; config_6ds3_xl.samples_num_in_pattern = 0; /* Check device ID */ whoamI = 0; lsm6ds3tr_c_device_id_get(&dev_ctx, &whoamI); if(whoamI != LSM6DS3TR_C_ID) { SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_mode error:%d!!!\r\n",dex_num); return; } /* Restore default configuration */ lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); do { lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_get(&dev_ctx, &rst); } while (rst); lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); /*qmc6310-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Some hardware require to enable pull up on master I2C interface */ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_pin_mode_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_INTERNAL_PULL_UP); //qmc6310初始化 switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: if(qmc6310_front_Init(QMC6310_100HZ))SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_front_Init sucess!!\n"); else {lsm6ds3tr_c_suspend_mode(dex_num);SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_front_Init fail!!\n");return;} break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: // if(qmc6310_center_Init(QMC6310_100HZ))SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_center_Init sucess!!\n"); // else {lsm6ds3tr_c_suspend_mode(dex_num);SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_center_Init fail!!\n");return;} break; } uint8_t data = 0xFF,timeout = 3; do{ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_slv0_cfg_read(&dev_ctx, &qmc6310); //这里只有一个地磁,但不能用slv1,只能用slv0,不知道是不是要先配置slv0后,才能配置slv1。 lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_BANK_A); lsm6ds3tr_c_read_reg(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_SLV0_SUBADD,&data, 1); // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_read_reg LSM6DS3TR_C_SLV0_SUBADD:%x!!!\r\n",data); // platform_delay(100); lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); timeout--; }while(data != QMC6310_DATA_OUT_X_LSB_REG && timeout != 0); /* Configure Sensor Hub to read two slaves */ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_num_of_dev_connected_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_SLV_0_1_2_3); lsm6ds3tr_c_func_en_set(&dev_ctx,PROPERTY_ENABLE); lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_master_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); /*acc-------------------------------------------------------------*/ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_power_mode_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_NORMAL); lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.fs); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_sleep_mode_set(&dev_ctx, 1); lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_pedo_and_timestamp_batch_set(&dev_ctx,PROPERTY_ENABLE); //使能开关 /* Set High Resolution Timestamp (25 us tick) */ lsm6ds3tr_c_timestamp_res_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_LSB_25us); /* Enable timestamp in HW */ lsm6ds3tr_c_timestamp_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); /* Set FIFO watermark to a multiple of a pattern */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_watermark_set(&dev_ctx, acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len);//pattern_len /* Set FIFO mode to Stream mode */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_STREAM_MODE); /* Set ODR FIFO */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, USED_FIFO_104_HZ);//该参数关联到timestamp /* Set FIFO sensor decimator */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_xl_batch_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_XL_NO_DEC);//因为acc和fifo都是104HZ,所以不用抽取因子。 lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_dataset_3_batch_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_DS3_NO_DEC);//因为mag和fifo都是104HZ,所以不用抽取因子。 lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_dataset_4_batch_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_DS4_NO_DEC);//该参数关联到fifo_odr,timestamp和fifo的HZ一致 } void lsm6ds3tr_c_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_mode_start(lsm_device_t dex_num) { switch_dev(dex_num); /* Set XL Output Data Rate */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.odr); } int lsm6ds3tr_c_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_read(lsm_device_t dex_num, int16_t *acc, int16_t *mag, int32_t *timestamp, int16_t group_num) { uint16_t num_pattern = 0; int16_t cur_count = 0; switch_dev(dex_num); if(group_num <= 0)return 0; num_pattern = group_num; if (num_pattern) { // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len:%d num_pattern:%d\r\n",acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len,num_pattern); while (num_pattern-- > 0){ // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"num:%d pattern_len:%d num_pattern:%d mag_num:%d xl_num:%d\r\n",num,pattern_len,num_pattern,mag_num,xl_num); /* FIFO pattern is composed by gy_num gyroscope triplets and * xl_num accelerometer triplets. The sequence has always following order: * gyro first, accelerometer second , mag third */ /* Read XL samples */ if (config_6ds3_xl.enable) { lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_raw_data_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_acceleration.u8bit, ACC_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_raw_data_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_magnetic.u8bit, MAG_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); /* Read timestamp samples */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_raw_data_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_timestamp.u8bit,TIMESTAMP_OUT_WORD_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); if(cur_count != group_num ) { acc[cur_count*3 + 0] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[0]; acc[cur_count*3 + 1] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[1]; acc[cur_count*3 + 2] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[2]; QMC6310_map c_map; switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: c_map = qmc6310_front_GetMap(); break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: // c_map = qmc6310_center_GetMap(); break; } mag[cur_count*3 + 0] = (int16_t)(c_map.sign[0]*data_raw_magnetic.i16bit[c_map.map[0]]); mag[cur_count*3 + 1] = (int16_t)(c_map.sign[0]*data_raw_magnetic.i16bit[c_map.map[1]]); mag[cur_count*3 + 2] = (int16_t)(c_map.sign[0]*data_raw_magnetic.i16bit[c_map.map[2]]); /* 时间戳和计步数数据 字节1 字节2 字节3 字节4 字节5 字节6 TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP ----- TIMESTAMP STEPS STEPS [15:8] [23:16] [7:0] [7:0] [15:8] */ timestamp[cur_count] = ((data_raw_timestamp.u8bit[1] << 16) | (data_raw_timestamp.u8bit[0] << 8) | (data_raw_timestamp.u8bit[3]))*25;//counter == 25us cur_count++; } } } } return cur_count; } void lsm6ds3tr_c_gry_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_mode_config(lsm_device_t dex_num) { switch_dev(dex_num); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,0); platform_delay(3); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,1); platform_delay(3); /* 6ds3 Accelerometer test parameters */ config_6ds3_xl.enable = PROPERTY_ENABLE; config_6ds3_xl.odr = USED_ACC_FIFO_104_HZ; config_6ds3_xl.odr_hz_val = 0; config_6ds3_xl.fs = LSM6DS3TR_C_16g; config_6ds3_xl.decimation = 0; config_6ds3_xl.samples_num_in_pattern = 0; /* 6ds3 Gyroscope test parameters */ config_6ds3_gyro.enable = PROPERTY_ENABLE; config_6ds3_gyro.odr = USED_GRY_FIFO_104_HZ; config_6ds3_gyro.odr_hz_val = 0; config_6ds3_gyro.fs = LSM6DS3TR_C_2000dps; config_6ds3_gyro.decimation = 0; config_6ds3_gyro.samples_num_in_pattern = 0; // lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); /* Check device ID */ whoamI = 0; lsm6ds3tr_c_device_id_get(&dev_ctx, &whoamI); if(whoamI != LSM6DS3TR_C_ID) { SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_gry_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_mode error:%d!!!\r\n",dex_num); return; } /* Restore default configuration */ lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); do { lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_get(&dev_ctx, &rst); } while (rst); lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); /*qmc6310-------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Some hardware require to enable pull up on master I2C interface */ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_pin_mode_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_INTERNAL_PULL_UP); //qmc6310初始化 switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: if(qmc6310_front_Init(QMC6310_200HZ))SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_front_Init sucess!!\n"); else {lsm6ds3tr_c_suspend_mode(dex_num);SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_front_Init fail!!\n");return;} break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: // if(qmc6310_center_Init(QMC6310_100HZ))SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_center_Init sucess!!\n"); // else {lsm6ds3tr_c_suspend_mode(dex_num);SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_center_Init fail!!\n");return;} break; } uint8_t data = 0xFF,timeout = 3; do{ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_slv0_cfg_read(&dev_ctx, &qmc6310); //这里只有一个地磁,但不能用slv1,只能用slv0,不知道是不是要先配置slv0后,才能配置slv1。 lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_BANK_A); lsm6ds3tr_c_read_reg(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_SLV0_SUBADD,&data, 1); // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_read_reg LSM6DS3TR_C_SLV0_SUBADD:%x!!!\r\n",data); // platform_delay(100); lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); timeout--; }while(data != QMC6310_DATA_OUT_X_LSB_REG && timeout != 0); /* Configure Sensor Hub to read two slaves */ lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_num_of_dev_connected_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_SLV_0_1_2_3); lsm6ds3tr_c_func_en_set(&dev_ctx,PROPERTY_ENABLE); lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_master_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); /*acc-------------------------------------------------------------*/ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_power_mode_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_NORMAL); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_power_mode_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_NORMAL); lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.fs); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_full_scale_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_gyro.fs); lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_pedo_and_timestamp_batch_set(&dev_ctx,PROPERTY_ENABLE); //使能开关 /* Set High Resolution Timestamp (25 us tick) */ lsm6ds3tr_c_timestamp_res_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_LSB_25us); /* Enable timestamp in HW */ lsm6ds3tr_c_timestamp_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); // lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_write_trigger_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_TRG_XL_GY_DRDY); /* Set FIFO watermark to a multiple of a pattern */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_watermark_set(&dev_ctx, gry_acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len);//pattern_len /* Set FIFO mode to Stream mode */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_STREAM_MODE); /* Set ODR FIFO */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, USED_FIFO_104_HZ);//该参数关联到timestamp /* Set FIFO sensor decimator */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_xl_batch_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_XL_NO_DEC);//acc和fifo的HZ一致 lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_gy_batch_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_GY_NO_DEC);//gry和fifo的HZ一致 lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_dataset_3_batch_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_DS3_NO_DEC);//mag和fifo的HZ一致 lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_dataset_4_batch_set(&dev_ctx,LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_DS4_NO_DEC);//该参数关联到fifo_odr,timestamp和fifo的HZ一致 } void lsm6ds3tr_c_gry_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_mode_start(lsm_device_t dex_num) { switch_dev(dex_num); /* Set XL Output Data Rate */ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_xl.odr); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, config_6ds3_gyro.odr); } int lsm6ds3tr_c_gry_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_read(lsm_device_t dex_num, int16_t *gry, int16_t *acc, int16_t *mag, int32_t *timestamp, int16_t group_num) { uint16_t num_pattern = 0; int16_t cur_count = 0; switch_dev(dex_num); if(group_num <= 0)return 0; num_pattern = group_num; if (num_pattern) { // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"gry_acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len:%d num_pattern:%d\r\n",gry_acc_mag_timestamp_pattern_len,num_pattern); while (num_pattern-- > 0){ // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"num:%d pattern_len:%d num_pattern:%d mag_num:%d xl_num:%d\r\n",num,pattern_len,num_pattern,mag_num,xl_num); /* FIFO pattern is composed by gy_num gyroscope triplets and * xl_num accelerometer triplets. The sequence has always following order: * gyro first, accelerometer second , mag third , timestamp fourth */ if (config_6ds3_gyro.enable && config_6ds3_xl.enable) { /* Read gyro samples */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_raw_data_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_angular_rate.u8bit, GRY_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); /* Read XL samples */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_raw_data_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_acceleration.u8bit, ACC_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); /* Read mag samples */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_raw_data_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_magnetic.u8bit, MAG_OUT_XYZ_WORD_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); /* Read timestamp samples */ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_raw_data_get(&dev_ctx, data_raw_timestamp.u8bit,TIMESTAMP_OUT_WORD_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); if(cur_count != group_num) { gry[cur_count*3 + 0] = data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit[0]; gry[cur_count*3 + 1] = data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit[1]; gry[cur_count*3 + 2] = data_raw_angular_rate.i16bit[2]; acc[cur_count*3 + 0] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[0]; acc[cur_count*3 + 1] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[1]; acc[cur_count*3 + 2] = data_raw_acceleration.i16bit[2]; QMC6310_map c_map; switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: c_map = qmc6310_front_GetMap(); break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: // c_map = qmc6310_center_GetMap(); break; } mag[cur_count*3 + 0] = (int16_t)(c_map.sign[0]*data_raw_magnetic.i16bit[c_map.map[0]]); mag[cur_count*3 + 1] = (int16_t)(c_map.sign[0]*data_raw_magnetic.i16bit[c_map.map[1]]); mag[cur_count*3 + 2] = (int16_t)(c_map.sign[0]*data_raw_magnetic.i16bit[c_map.map[2]]); /* 时间戳和计步数数据 字节1 字节2 字节3 字节4 字节5 字节6 TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP ----- TIMESTAMP STEPS STEPS [15:8] [23:16] [7:0] [7:0] [15:8] */ timestamp[cur_count] = ((data_raw_timestamp.u8bit[1] << 16) | (data_raw_timestamp.u8bit[0] << 8) | (data_raw_timestamp.u8bit[3]))*25;//counter == 25us cur_count++; } } } } return cur_count; } void lsm6ds3tr_c_get_mode_stat(lsm_device_t dex_num, uint8_t *stat) { switch_dev(dex_num); int16_t lsm_acc[3]={0,0,0}, lsm_gry[3] = {0,0,0}, mag[3] = {0,0,0}; lsm6ds3tr_c_odr_xl_t acc_odr; lsm6ds3tr_c_odr_g_t gry_odr; uint8_t reg_val = 0; int32_t ret,timestamp; uint16_t timeout = TIMEOUT; int16_t fifo_num = 0; *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; ret = lsm6ds3tr_c_read_reg(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_FIFO_CTRL5, ®_val, 1); if(ret == 0 && (reg_val & 0x78)!=0) //fifo 开启 { lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_sleep_mode_get(&dev_ctx, ®_val); switch(reg_val) { case 1: // gry关闭 lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_get(&dev_ctx, &acc_odr); if(acc_odr != USED_ACC_FIFO_104_HZ){ *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; }else{ do{ fifo_num = lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_read_group_num(dex_num,LSM_STATE_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE); timeout--; }while(fifo_num == 0 && timeout != 0); while(fifo_num--)lsm6ds3tr_c_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_read(dex_num, lsm_acc, mag, ×tamp, 1); if((lsm_acc[0] == 0 && lsm_acc[1] == 0 && lsm_acc[2] == 0) || (mag[0] == 0 && mag[1] == 0 && mag[2] == 0) || timestamp == 0){ *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; }else{ *stat = LSM_STATE_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE; // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"LSM_STATE_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE dex_num:%d fifo_num:%d timeout:%d\n",dex_num,fifo_num,timeout); } } break; case 0: // gry 开启 lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_get(&dev_ctx, &acc_odr); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_get(&dev_ctx,&gry_odr); if(acc_odr != USED_ACC_FIFO_104_HZ || gry_odr != USED_GRY_FIFO_104_HZ){ *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; }else{ do{ fifo_num = lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_read_group_num(dex_num,LSM_STATE_GRY_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE); timeout--; }while(fifo_num == 0 && timeout != 0); while(fifo_num--)lsm6ds3tr_c_gry_acc_sensor_hub_qmc6310_fifo_with_timestamp_read(dex_num, lsm_gry, lsm_acc, mag, ×tamp, 1); if((lsm_acc[0] == 0 && lsm_acc[1] == 0 && lsm_acc[2] == 0) || (mag[0] == 0 && mag[1] == 0 && mag[2] == 0) || (lsm_gry[0] == 0 && lsm_gry[1] == 0 && lsm_gry[2] == 0) || timestamp == 0){ *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; }else{ *stat = LSM_STATE_GRY_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE; // SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"LSM_STATE_GRY_ACC_QMC_FIFO_MODE dex_num:%d fifo_num:%d timeout:%d\n",dex_num,fifo_num,timeout); } } break; } } else //fifo 关闭 { lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_sleep_mode_get(&dev_ctx, ®_val); if(reg_val){ // gry关闭 lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_get(&dev_ctx, &acc_odr); if(acc_odr != USED_ACC_FIFO_104_HZ){ *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; }else{ lsm6ds3tr_c_standby_power_acc_read(dex_num, lsm_acc); if(lsm_acc[0] == 0 && lsm_acc[1] == 0 && lsm_acc[2] == 0){ *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; }else{ *stat = LSM_STATE_ACC_MODE; } } }else{ *stat = LSM_STATE_ILLEGAL_MODE; } } } void lsm6ds3tr_c_powerdown_mode(lsm_device_t dex_num) { switch_dev(dex_num); //关闭qmc6310 switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: if(qmc6310_front_Suspend())SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_front_Suspend sucess!!\n"); break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: // if(qmc6310_center_Suspend())SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"qmc6310_center_Suspend sucess!!\n"); break; } lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_OFF); switch(dex_num) { case LSM_DEV_FRONT: SPI0_Disable(); nrf_gpio_pin_write(PIN_FRONT_SENSE_POWER,0); platform_delay(100); break; case LSM_DEV_CENTER: // SPI1_Disable(); break; } } void lsm6ds3tr_c_suspend_mode(lsm_device_t dex_num) { uint16_t timeout = TIMEOUT; lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_t fifo_mode; lsm6ds3tr_c_odr_xl_t acc_odr; lsm6ds3tr_c_odr_g_t gry_odr; switch_dev(dex_num); // lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); // // lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_BANK_A); // // lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_BANK_B); // /* Restore default configuration */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); // do { // lsm6ds3tr_c_reset_get(&dev_ctx, &rst); // } while (rst); // /* Enable Block Data Update */ // lsm6ds3tr_c_block_data_update_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_ENABLE); do{ lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF); lsm6ds3tr_c_xl_data_rate_get(&dev_ctx, &acc_odr); timeout--; }while(acc_odr != LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF && timeout != 0); // if(acc_odr == LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF && timeout != 0)SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"acc_odr == LSM6DS3TR_C_XL_ODR_OFF %d sucess!!\n",dex_num); timeout = TIMEOUT; do{ lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_OFF); lsm6ds3tr_c_gy_data_rate_get(&dev_ctx,&gry_odr); timeout--; }while(gry_odr != LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_OFF && timeout != 0); // if(gry_odr == LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_OFF && timeout != 0)SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"gry_odr == LSM6DS3TR_C_GY_ODR_OFF %d sucess!!\n",dex_num); // lsm6ds3tr_c_mem_bank_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_USER_BANK); // // lsm6ds3tr_c_sh_master_set(&dev_ctx, PROPERTY_DISABLE); // // lsm6ds3tr_c_func_en_set(&dev_ctx,PROPERTY_DISABLE); timeout = TIMEOUT; //设置旁路模式用于清空FIFO do{ lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_set(&dev_ctx, LSM6DS3TR_C_BYPASS_MODE); lsm6ds3tr_c_fifo_mode_get(&dev_ctx,&fifo_mode); timeout--; }while(fifo_mode != LSM6DS3TR_C_BYPASS_MODE && timeout != 0); // if(fifo_mode == LSM6DS3TR_C_BYPASS_MODE && timeout != 0)SEGGER_RTT_printf(0,"lsm6ds3tr_c_suspend_mode %d sucess!!\n",dex_num); //设置为旁路模式后,在设置为不同的FIFO工作模式之前,必须要等待至少30us platform_delay(10); }