var __reflect = (this && this.__reflect) || function (p, c, t) { p.__class__ = c, t ? t.push(c) : t = [c], p.__types__ = p.__types__ ? t.concat(p.__types__) : t; }; var __extends = this && this.__extends || function __extends(t, e) { function r() { this.constructor = t; } for (var i in e) e.hasOwnProperty(i) && (t[i] = e[i]); r.prototype = e.prototype, t.prototype = new r(); }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2014-present, Egret Technology. // All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Egret nor the // names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, // OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, // EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var egret; (function (egret) { /** * Easing function set. Different easing functions are used to make an animation proceed according to the corresponding equation * @see Easing effect Demo * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 缓动函数集合,使用不同的缓动函数使得动画按照对应的方程进行 * @see 缓动效果演示 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ var Ease = (function () { /** * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native */ function Ease() { egret.$error(1014); } /** * get.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.get = function (amount) { if (amount < -1) { amount = -1; } if (amount > 1) { amount = 1; } return function (t) { if (amount == 0) { return t; } if (amount < 0) { return t * (t * -amount + 1 + amount); } return t * ((2 - t) * amount + (1 - amount)); }; }; /** * get pow in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get pow in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getPowIn = function (pow) { return function (t) { return Math.pow(t, pow); }; }; /** * get pow out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get pow out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getPowOut = function (pow) { return function (t) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - t, pow); }; }; /** * get pow in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get pow in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getPowInOut = function (pow) { return function (t) { if ((t *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * Math.pow(t, pow); return 1 - 0.5 * Math.abs(Math.pow(2 - t, pow)); }; }; /** * sine in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * sine in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.sineIn = function (t) { return 1 - Math.cos(t * Math.PI / 2); }; /** * sine out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * sine out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.sineOut = function (t) { return Math.sin(t * Math.PI / 2); }; /** * sine in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * sine in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.sineInOut = function (t) { return -0.5 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * t) - 1); }; /** * get back in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get back in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getBackIn = function (amount) { return function (t) { return t * t * ((amount + 1) * t - amount); }; }; /** * get back out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get back out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getBackOut = function (amount) { return function (t) { return (--t * t * ((amount + 1) * t + amount) + 1); }; }; /** * get back in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get back in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getBackInOut = function (amount) { amount *= 1.525; return function (t) { if ((t *= 2) < 1) return 0.5 * (t * t * ((amount + 1) * t - amount)); return 0.5 * ((t -= 2) * t * ((amount + 1) * t + amount) + 2); }; }; /** * circ in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * circ in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.circIn = function (t) { return -(Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1); }; /** * circ out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * circ out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.circOut = function (t) { return Math.sqrt(1 - (--t) * t); }; /** * circ in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * circ in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.circInOut = function (t) { if ((t *= 2) < 1) { return -0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - t * t) - 1); } return 0.5 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (t -= 2) * t) + 1); }; /** * bounce in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * bounce in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.bounceIn = function (t) { return 1 - Ease.bounceOut(1 - t); }; /** * bounce out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * bounce out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.bounceOut = function (t) { if (t < 1 / 2.75) { return (7.5625 * t * t); } else if (t < 2 / 2.75) { return (7.5625 * (t -= 1.5 / 2.75) * t + 0.75); } else if (t < 2.5 / 2.75) { return (7.5625 * (t -= 2.25 / 2.75) * t + 0.9375); } else { return (7.5625 * (t -= 2.625 / 2.75) * t + 0.984375); } }; /** * bounce in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * bounce in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.bounceInOut = function (t) { if (t < 0.5) return Ease.bounceIn(t * 2) * .5; return Ease.bounceOut(t * 2 - 1) * 0.5 + 0.5; }; /** * get elastic in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get elastic in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getElasticIn = function (amplitude, period) { var pi2 = Math.PI * 2; return function (t) { if (t == 0 || t == 1) return t; var s = period / pi2 * Math.asin(1 / amplitude); return -(amplitude * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * pi2 / period)); }; }; /** * get elastic out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get elastic out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getElasticOut = function (amplitude, period) { var pi2 = Math.PI * 2; return function (t) { if (t == 0 || t == 1) return t; var s = period / pi2 * Math.asin(1 / amplitude); return (amplitude * Math.pow(2, -10 * t) * Math.sin((t - s) * pi2 / period) + 1); }; }; /** * get elastic in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * get elastic in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.getElasticInOut = function (amplitude, period) { var pi2 = Math.PI * 2; return function (t) { var s = period / pi2 * Math.asin(1 / amplitude); if ((t *= 2) < 1) return -0.5 * (amplitude * Math.pow(2, 10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * pi2 / period)); return amplitude * Math.pow(2, -10 * (t -= 1)) * Math.sin((t - s) * pi2 / period) * 0.5 + 1; }; }; /** * quad in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quad in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quadIn = Ease.getPowIn(2); /** * quad out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quad out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quadOut = Ease.getPowOut(2); /** * quad in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quad in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quadInOut = Ease.getPowInOut(2); /** * cubic in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * cubic in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.cubicIn = Ease.getPowIn(3); /** * cubic out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * cubic out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.cubicOut = Ease.getPowOut(3); /** * cubic in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * cubic in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.cubicInOut = Ease.getPowInOut(3); /** * quart in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quart in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quartIn = Ease.getPowIn(4); /** * quart out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quart out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quartOut = Ease.getPowOut(4); /** * quart in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quart in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quartInOut = Ease.getPowInOut(4); /** * quint in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quint in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quintIn = Ease.getPowIn(5); /** * quint out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quint out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quintOut = Ease.getPowOut(5); /** * quint in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * quint in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.quintInOut = Ease.getPowInOut(5); /** * back in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * back in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.backIn = Ease.getBackIn(1.7); /** * back out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * back out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.backOut = Ease.getBackOut(1.7); /** * back in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * back in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.backInOut = Ease.getBackInOut(1.7); /** * elastic in.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * elastic in。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.elasticIn = Ease.getElasticIn(1, 0.3); /** * elastic out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * elastic out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.elasticOut = Ease.getElasticOut(1, 0.3); /** * elastic in out.See example. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * elastic in out。请查看示例 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Ease.elasticInOut = Ease.getElasticInOut(1, 0.3 * 1.5); return Ease; }()); egret.Ease = Ease; __reflect(Ease.prototype, "egret.Ease"); })(egret || (egret = {})); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2014-present, Egret Technology. // All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Egret nor the // names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, // OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, // EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var egret; (function (egret) { /** * Tween is the animation easing class of Egret * @see Tween ease animation * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @includeExample extension/tween/Tween.ts * @language en_US */ /** * Tween是Egret的动画缓动类 * @see Tween缓动动画 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @includeExample extension/tween/Tween.ts * @language zh_CN */ var Tween = (function (_super) { __extends(Tween, _super); /** * 创建一个 egret.Tween 对象 * @private * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native */ function Tween(target, props, pluginData) { var _this = || this; /** * @private */ _this._target = null; /** * @private */ _this._useTicks = false; /** * @private */ _this.ignoreGlobalPause = false; /** * @private */ _this.loop = false; /** * @private */ _this.pluginData = null; /** * @private */ _this._steps = null; /** * @private */ _this.paused = false; /** * @private */ _this.duration = 0; /** * @private */ _this._prevPos = -1; /** * @private */ _this.position = null; /** * @private */ _this._prevPosition = 0; /** * @private */ _this._stepPosition = 0; /** * @private */ _this.passive = false; _this.initialize(target, props, pluginData); return _this; } /** * Activate an object and add a Tween animation to the object * @param target {any} The object to be activated * @param props {any} Parameters, support loop onChange onChangeObj * @param pluginData {any} Write realized * @param override {boolean} Whether to remove the object before adding a tween, the default value false * Not recommended, you can use Tween.removeTweens(target) instead. * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 激活一个对象,对其添加 Tween 动画 * @param target {any} 要激活 Tween 的对象 * @param props {any} 参数,支持loop(循环播放) onChange(变化函数) onChangeObj(变化函数作用域) * @param pluginData {any} 暂未实现 * @param override {boolean} 是否移除对象之前添加的tween,默认值false。 * 不建议使用,可使用 Tween.removeTweens(target) 代替。 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.get = function (target, props, pluginData, override) { if (pluginData === void 0) { pluginData = null; } if (override === void 0) { override = false; } if (override) { Tween.removeTweens(target); } return new Tween(target, props, pluginData); }; /** * Delete all Tween animations from an object * @param target The object whose Tween to be deleted * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 删除一个对象上的全部 Tween 动画 * @param target 需要移除 Tween 的对象 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.removeTweens = function (target) { if (!target.tween_count) { return; } var tweens = Tween._tweens; for (var i = tweens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tweens[i]._target == target) { tweens[i].paused = true; tweens.splice(i, 1); } } target.tween_count = 0; }; /** * Pause all Tween animations of a certain object * @param target The object whose Tween to be paused * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 暂停某个对象的所有 Tween * @param target 要暂停 Tween 的对象 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.pauseTweens = function (target) { if (!target.tween_count) { return; } var tweens = egret.Tween._tweens; for (var i = tweens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tweens[i]._target == target) { tweens[i].paused = true; } } }; /** * Resume playing all easing of a certain object * @param target The object whose Tween to be resumed * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 继续播放某个对象的所有缓动 * @param target 要继续播放 Tween 的对象 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.resumeTweens = function (target) { if (!target.tween_count) { return; } var tweens = egret.Tween._tweens; for (var i = tweens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (tweens[i]._target == target) { tweens[i].paused = false; } } }; /** * @private * * @param delta * @param paused */ Tween.tick = function (timeStamp, paused) { if (paused === void 0) { paused = false; } var delta = timeStamp - Tween._lastTime; Tween._lastTime = timeStamp; var tweens = Tween._tweens.concat(); for (var i = tweens.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var tween_1 = tweens[i]; if ((paused && !tween_1.ignoreGlobalPause) || tween_1.paused) { continue; } tween_1.$tick(tween_1._useTicks ? 1 : delta); } return false; }; /** * @private * * @param tween * @param value */ Tween._register = function (tween, value) { var target = tween._target; var tweens = Tween._tweens; if (value) { if (target) { target.tween_count = target.tween_count > 0 ? target.tween_count + 1 : 1; } tweens.push(tween); if (!Tween._inited) { Tween._lastTime = egret.getTimer(); egret.ticker.$startTick(Tween.tick, null); Tween._inited = true; } } else { if (target) { target.tween_count--; } var i = tweens.length; while (i--) { if (tweens[i] == tween) { tweens.splice(i, 1); return; } } } }; /** * Delete all Tween * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 删除所有 Tween * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.removeAllTweens = function () { var tweens = Tween._tweens; for (var i = 0, l = tweens.length; i < l; i++) { var tween_2 = tweens[i]; tween_2.paused = true; tween_2._target.tween_count = 0; } tweens.length = 0; }; /** * @private * * @param target * @param props * @param pluginData */ Tween.prototype.initialize = function (target, props, pluginData) { this._target = target; if (props) { this._useTicks = props.useTicks; this.ignoreGlobalPause = props.ignoreGlobalPause; this.loop = props.loop; props.onChange && this.addEventListener("change", props.onChange, props.onChangeObj); if (props.override) { Tween.removeTweens(target); } } this.pluginData = pluginData || {}; this._curQueueProps = {}; this._initQueueProps = {}; this._steps = []; if (props && props.paused) { this.paused = true; } else { Tween._register(this, true); } if (props && props.position != null) { this.setPosition(props.position, Tween.NONE); } }; /** * @private * * @param value * @param actionsMode * @returns */ Tween.prototype.setPosition = function (value, actionsMode) { if (actionsMode === void 0) { actionsMode = 1; } if (value < 0) { value = 0; } //正常化位置 var t = value; var end = false; if (t >= this.duration) { if (this.loop) { var newTime = t % this.duration; if (t > 0 && newTime === 0) { t = this.duration; } else { t = newTime; } } else { t = this.duration; end = true; } } if (t == this._prevPos) { return end; } if (end) { this.setPaused(true); } var prevPos = this._prevPos; this.position = this._prevPos = t; this._prevPosition = value; if (this._target) { if (this._steps.length > 0) { // 找到新的tween var l = this._steps.length; var stepIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (this._steps[i].type == "step") { stepIndex = i; if (this._steps[i].t <= t && this._steps[i].t + this._steps[i].d >= t) { break; } } } for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { if (this._steps[i].type == "action") { //执行actions if (actionsMode != 0) { if (this._useTicks) { this._runAction(this._steps[i], t, t); } else if (actionsMode == 1 && t < prevPos) { if (prevPos != this.duration) { this._runAction(this._steps[i], prevPos, this.duration); } this._runAction(this._steps[i], 0, t, true); } else { this._runAction(this._steps[i], prevPos, t); } } } else if (this._steps[i].type == "step") { if (stepIndex == i) { var step = this._steps[stepIndex]; this._updateTargetProps(step, Math.min((this._stepPosition = t - step.t) / step.d, 1)); } } } } } this.dispatchEventWith("change"); return end; }; /** * @private * * @param startPos * @param endPos * @param includeStart */ Tween.prototype._runAction = function (action, startPos, endPos, includeStart) { if (includeStart === void 0) { includeStart = false; } var sPos = startPos; var ePos = endPos; if (startPos > endPos) { //把所有的倒置 sPos = endPos; ePos = startPos; } var pos = action.t; if (pos == ePos || (pos > sPos && pos < ePos) || (includeStart && pos == startPos)) { action.f.apply(action.o, action.p); } }; /** * @private * * @param step * @param ratio */ Tween.prototype._updateTargetProps = function (step, ratio) { var p0, p1, v, v0, v1, arr; if (!step && ratio == 1) { this.passive = false; p0 = p1 = this._curQueueProps; } else { this.passive = !!step.v; //不更新props. if (this.passive) { return; } //使用ease if (step.e) { ratio = step.e(ratio, 0, 1, 1); } p0 = step.p0; p1 = step.p1; } for (var n in this._initQueueProps) { if ((v0 = p0[n]) == null) { p0[n] = v0 = this._initQueueProps[n]; } if ((v1 = p1[n]) == null) { p1[n] = v1 = v0; } if (v0 == v1 || ratio == 0 || ratio == 1 || (typeof (v0) != "number")) { v = ratio == 1 ? v1 : v0; } else { v = v0 + (v1 - v0) * ratio; } var ignore = false; if (arr = Tween._plugins[n]) { for (var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { var v2 = arr[i].tween(this, n, v, p0, p1, ratio, !!step && p0 == p1, !step); if (v2 == Tween.IGNORE) { ignore = true; } else { v = v2; } } } if (!ignore) { this._target[n] = v; } } }; /** * Whether setting is paused * @param value {boolean} Whether to pause * @returns Tween object itself * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 设置是否暂停 * @param value {boolean} 是否暂停 * @returns Tween对象本身 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.prototype.setPaused = function (value) { if (this.paused == value) { return this; } this.paused = value; Tween._register(this, !value); return this; }; /** * @private * * @param props * @returns */ Tween.prototype._cloneProps = function (props) { var o = {}; for (var n in props) { o[n] = props[n]; } return o; }; /** * @private * * @param o * @returns */ Tween.prototype._addStep = function (o) { if (o.d > 0) { o.type = "step"; this._steps.push(o); o.t = this.duration; this.duration += o.d; } return this; }; /** * @private * * @param o * @returns */ Tween.prototype._appendQueueProps = function (o) { var arr, oldValue, i, l, injectProps; for (var n in o) { if (this._initQueueProps[n] === undefined) { oldValue = this._target[n]; //设置plugins if (arr = Tween._plugins[n]) { for (i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { oldValue = arr[i].init(this, n, oldValue); } } this._initQueueProps[n] = this._curQueueProps[n] = (oldValue === undefined) ? null : oldValue; } else { oldValue = this._curQueueProps[n]; } } for (var n in o) { oldValue = this._curQueueProps[n]; if (arr = Tween._plugins[n]) { injectProps = injectProps || {}; for (i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; i++) { if (arr[i].step) { arr[i].step(this, n, oldValue, o[n], injectProps); } } } this._curQueueProps[n] = o[n]; } if (injectProps) { this._appendQueueProps(injectProps); } return this._curQueueProps; }; /** * @private * * @param o * @returns */ Tween.prototype._addAction = function (o) { o.t = this.duration; o.type = "action"; this._steps.push(o); return this; }; /** * @private * * @param props * @param o */ Tween.prototype._set = function (props, o) { for (var n in props) { o[n] = props[n]; } }; /** * Wait the specified milliseconds before the execution of the next animation * @param duration {number} Waiting time, in milliseconds * @param passive {boolean} Whether properties are updated during the waiting time * @returns Tween object itself * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 等待指定毫秒后执行下一个动画 * @param duration {number} 要等待的时间,以毫秒为单位 * @param passive {boolean} 等待期间属性是否会更新 * @returns Tween对象本身 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.prototype.wait = function (duration, passive) { if (duration == null || duration <= 0) { return this; } var o = this._cloneProps(this._curQueueProps); return this._addStep({ d: duration, p0: o, p1: o, v: passive }); }; /** * Modify the property of the specified object to a specified value * @param props {Object} Property set of an object * @param duration {number} Duration * @param ease {egret.Ease} Easing algorithm * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween object itself * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 将指定对象的属性修改为指定值 * @param props {Object} 对象的属性集合 * @param duration {number} 持续时间 * @param ease {egret.Ease} 缓动算法 * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween对象本身 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ = function (props, duration, ease) { if (ease === void 0) { ease = undefined; } if (isNaN(duration) || duration < 0) { duration = 0; } this._addStep({ d: duration || 0, p0: this._cloneProps(this._curQueueProps), e: ease, p1: this._cloneProps(this._appendQueueProps(props)) }); //加入一步set,防止游戏极其卡顿时候,to后面的call取到的属性值不对 return this.set(props); }; /** * Execute callback function * @param callback {Function} Callback method * @param thisObj {any} this action scope of the callback method * @param params {any[]} Parameter of the callback method * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween object itself * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @example *
         *  egret.Tween.get(display).call(function (a:number, b:string) {
         *      console.log("a: " + a); // the first parameter passed 233
         *      console.log("b: " + b); // the second parameter passed “hello”
         *  }, this, [233, "hello"]);
* @language en_US */ /** * 执行回调函数 * @param callback {Function} 回调方法 * @param thisObj {any} 回调方法this作用域 * @param params {any[]} 回调方法参数 * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween对象本身 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @example *
         *  egret.Tween.get(display).call(function (a:number, b:string) {
         *      console.log("a: " + a); //对应传入的第一个参数 233
         *      console.log("b: " + b); //对应传入的第二个参数 “hello”
         *  }, this, [233, "hello"]);
* @language zh_CN */ = function (callback, thisObj, params) { if (thisObj === void 0) { thisObj = undefined; } if (params === void 0) { params = undefined; } return this._addAction({ f: callback, p: params ? params : [], o: thisObj ? thisObj : this._target }); }; /** * Now modify the properties of the specified object to the specified value * @param props {Object} Property set of an object * @param target The object whose Tween to be resumed * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween object itself * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native */ /** * 立即将指定对象的属性修改为指定值 * @param props {Object} 对象的属性集合 * @param target 要继续播放 Tween 的对象 * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween对象本身 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native */ Tween.prototype.set = function (props, target) { if (target === void 0) { target = null; } //更新当前数据,保证缓动流畅性 this._appendQueueProps(props); return this._addAction({ f: this._set, o: this, p: [props, target ? target : this._target] }); }; /** * Execute * @param tween {egret.Tween} The Tween object to be operated. Default: this * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween object itself * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 执行 * @param tween {egret.Tween} 需要操作的 Tween 对象,默认this * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween对象本身 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ = function (tween) { if (!tween) { tween = this; } return, tween, [false]); }; /** * Pause * @param tween {egret.Tween} The Tween object to be operated. Default: this * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween object itself * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 暂停 * @param tween {egret.Tween} 需要操作的 Tween 对象,默认this * @returns {egret.Tween} Tween对象本身 * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ Tween.prototype.pause = function (tween) { if (!tween) { tween = this; } return, tween, [true]); }; /** * @method egret.Tween#tick * @param delta {number} * @private * @version Egret 2.4 * @platform Web,Native */ Tween.prototype.$tick = function (delta) { if (this.paused) { return; } this.setPosition(this._prevPosition + delta); }; /** * 不做特殊处理 * @constant {number} egret.Tween.NONE * @private */ Tween.NONE = 0; /** * 循环 * @constant {number} egret.Tween.LOOP * @private */ Tween.LOOP = 1; /** * 倒序 * @constant {number} egret.Tween.REVERSE * @private */ Tween.REVERSE = 2; /** * @private */ Tween._tweens = []; /** * @private */ Tween.IGNORE = {}; /** * @private */ Tween._plugins = {}; /** * @private */ Tween._inited = false; Tween._lastTime = 0; return Tween; }(egret.EventDispatcher)); egret.Tween = Tween; __reflect(Tween.prototype, "egret.Tween"); })(egret || (egret = {})); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // Copyright (c) 2014-present, Egret Technology. // All rights reserved. // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the // documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // * Neither the name of the Egret nor the // names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products // derived from this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS // OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES // OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. // IN NO EVENT SHALL EGRET AND CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, // INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES;LOSS OF USE, DATA, // OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING // NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, // EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// var egret; (function (egret) { var tween; (function (tween) { /** * Abstract class, Indicate the base action. * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 抽象类,表示一个基本动作 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ var BasePath = (function (_super) { __extends(BasePath, _super); function BasePath() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; /** * the name of this action. * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 动作的名称 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ = ""; return _this; } return BasePath; }(egret.EventDispatcher)); tween.BasePath = BasePath; __reflect(BasePath.prototype, "egret.tween.BasePath"); /** * Indicate the to action. See * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 表示一个to动作,参见 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ var To = (function (_super) { __extends(To, _super); function To() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; /** * Property set of an object * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 对象的属性集合 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ _this.props = undefined; /** * Duration * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 持续时间 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ _this.duration = 500; /** * Easing algorithm * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 缓动算法 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ _this.ease = undefined; return _this; } return To; }(BasePath)); tween.To = To; __reflect(To.prototype, "egret.tween.To"); /** * Indicate the wait action. See Tween.wait * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 表示一个wait动作,参见Tween.wait * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ var Wait = (function (_super) { __extends(Wait, _super); function Wait() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; /** * Duration * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 持续时间 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ _this.duration = 500; /** * Whether properties are updated during the waiting time * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 等待期间属性是否会更新 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ _this.passive = undefined; return _this; } return Wait; }(BasePath)); tween.Wait = Wait; __reflect(Wait.prototype, "egret.tween.Wait"); /** * Indicate the set action. See Tween.set * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 表示一个set动作,参见Tween.set * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ var Set = (function (_super) { __extends(Set, _super); function Set() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; /** * Property set of an object * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 对象的属性集合 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ _this.props = undefined; return _this; } return Set; }(BasePath)); tween.Set = Set; __reflect(Set.prototype, "egret.tween.Set"); /** * Indicate the tick action. See Tween.tick * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 表示一个tick动作,参见Tween.tick * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ var Tick = (function (_super) { __extends(Tick, _super); function Tick() { var _this = _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; /** * Delta time * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 增加的时间 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ = 0; return _this; } return Tick; }(BasePath)); tween.Tick = Tick; __reflect(Tick.prototype, "egret.tween.Tick"); function convertEase(ease) { if (typeof ease === 'function') { return ease; } else { var func = egret.Ease[ease]; if (typeof func === 'function') { return func; } } return null; } /** * TweenItem is a wrapper for Tween, which can set the behavior of Tween by setting attributes and adding Path. * * @event pathComplete Dispatched when some Path has complete. * @event complete Dispatched when all Paths has complete. * * @defaultProperty props * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * TweenItem是对Tween的包装器,能通过设置属性和添加Path的方式设置Tween的行为。 * 通常用于使用在EXML中定义组件的动画。 * * @event pathComplete 当某个Path执行完毕时会派发此事件。 * @event complete 当所有Path执行完毕时会派发此事件。 * * @defaultProperty props * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ /** * Use in exml: * ``` * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ``` */ var TweenItem = (function (_super) { __extends(TweenItem, _super); function TweenItem() { var _this = || this; _this.isStop = false; return _this; } Object.defineProperty(TweenItem.prototype, "props", { /** * The Tween's props. * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * Tween的props参数。 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ get: function () { return this._props; }, set: function (value) { this._props = value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(TweenItem.prototype, "target", { /** * The Tween's target. * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * Tween的target参数。 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ get: function () { return this._target; }, set: function (value) { this._target = value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(TweenItem.prototype, "paths", { /** * The Actions in Tween. * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * TweenItem中添加的行为。 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ get: function () { return this._paths; }, set: function (value) { this._paths = value || []; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); /** * Play the Tween * @position The starting position, the default is from the last position to play * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 播放Tween * @position 播放的起始位置, 默认为从上次位置继续播放 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ = function (position) { if (!this.tween) { this.createTween(position); } else { this.tween.setPaused(false); if (this.isStop && position == undefined) { position = 0; this.isStop = false; } if (position !== undefined && position !== null) { this.tween.setPosition(position); } } }; /** * Pause the Tween * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 暂停Tween * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ TweenItem.prototype.pause = function () { if (this.tween) { this.tween.setPaused(true); } }; /** * Stop the Tween * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 停止Tween * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ TweenItem.prototype.stop = function () { this.pause(); this.isStop = true; }; TweenItem.prototype.createTween = function (position) { this.tween = egret.Tween.get(this._target, this._props); if (this._paths) { this.applyPaths(); } if (position !== undefined && position !== null) { this.tween.setPosition(position); } }; TweenItem.prototype.applyPaths = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._paths.length; i++) { var path = this._paths[i]; this.applyPath(path); } }; TweenItem.prototype.applyPath = function (path) { var _this = this; if (path instanceof To) {, path.duration, convertEase(path.ease)); } else if (path instanceof Wait) { this.tween.wait(path.duration, path.passive); } else if (path instanceof Set) { this.tween.set(path.props); } else if (path instanceof Tick) { this.tween.$tick(; } () { return _this.pathComplete(path); }); }; TweenItem.prototype.pathComplete = function (path) { path.dispatchEventWith('complete'); this.dispatchEventWith('pathComplete', false, path); var index = this._paths.indexOf(path); if (index >= 0 && index === this._paths.length - 1) { this.dispatchEventWith('complete'); } }; return TweenItem; }(egret.EventDispatcher)); tween.TweenItem = TweenItem; __reflect(TweenItem.prototype, "egret.tween.TweenItem"); registerProperty(TweenItem, 'paths', 'Array', true); /** * TweenGroup is a collection of TweenItem that can be played in parallel with each Item * * @event itemComplete Dispatched when some TweenItem has complete. * @event complete Dispatched when all TweenItems has complete. * * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @includeExample extension/tween/TweenWrapper.ts * @language en_US */ /** * TweenGroup是TweenItem的集合,可以并行播放每一个Item * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @includeExample extension/tween/TweenWrapper.ts * @language zh_CN */ var TweenGroup = (function (_super) { __extends(TweenGroup, _super); function TweenGroup() { var _this = || this; _this.completeCount = 0; return _this; } Object.defineProperty(TweenGroup.prototype, "items", { /** * The Array that TweenItems in TweenGroup. * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * TweenGroup要控制的TweenItem集合。 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ get: function () { return this._items; }, set: function (value) { this.completeCount = 0; this.registerEvent(false); this._items = value; this.registerEvent(true); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); TweenGroup.prototype.registerEvent = function (add) { var _this = this; this._items && this._items.forEach(function (item) { if (add) { item.addEventListener('complete', _this.itemComplete, _this); } else { item.removeEventListener('complete', _this.itemComplete, _this); } }); }; /** * Play the all TweenItems * @time The starting position, the default is from the last position to play。If use 0, the group will play from the start position. * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 播放所有的TweenItem * @time 播放的起始位置, 默认为从上次位置继续播放。如果为0,则从起始位置开始播放。 * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ = function (time) { if (!this._items) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { var item = this._items[i];; } }; /** * Pause the all TweenItems * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 暂停播放所有的TweenItem * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ TweenGroup.prototype.pause = function () { if (!this._items) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { var item = this._items[i]; item.pause(); } }; /** * Stop the all TweenItems * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language en_US */ /** * 停止所有的TweenItem * @version Egret 3.1.8 * @platform Web,Native * @language zh_CN */ TweenGroup.prototype.stop = function () { if (!this._items) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._items.length; i++) { var item = this._items[i]; item.stop(); } }; TweenGroup.prototype.itemComplete = function (e) { var item = e.currentTarget; this.completeCount++; this.dispatchEventWith('itemComplete', false, item); if (this.completeCount === this.items.length) { this.dispatchEventWith('complete'); this.completeCount = 0; } }; return TweenGroup; }(egret.EventDispatcher)); tween.TweenGroup = TweenGroup; __reflect(TweenGroup.prototype, "egret.tween.TweenGroup"); registerProperty(TweenGroup, 'items', 'Array', true); function registerProperty(classDefinition, property, type, asDefault) { var prototype = classDefinition.prototype; prototype.__meta__ = prototype.__meta__ || {}; prototype.__meta__[property] = type; if (asDefault) { prototype.__defaultProperty__ = property; } } })(tween = egret.tween || (egret.tween = {})); })(egret || (egret = {}));