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long 6 yıl önce
3 değiştirilmiş dosya ile 38 ekleme ve 109 silme
  1. 1 0
  2. 4 4
  3. 33 105

+ 1 - 0

@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
 * 多玩图库接口
 	* [多玩图库小程接口](sub_directory_1/article1.md)
+	* [多玩图库后台](sub_directory_1/article2.md)
 * [结语](README.md)

+ 4 - 4

@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 ## 获取搞笑/今日囧图/吐槽囧图/段子精选/十万个冷笑话/日式冷笑话
-* #### /api/actionAjaxWeiRecommendGallery
+* #### /api/ajaxWeiRecommendGallery
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
-|  必选 | 类型 | 说明 | 默认|描述|
+| 字段 |必选 | 类型 | 说明 | 默认|
 | page | false | int | 页码|1|
 | pageSize | false | int | 页数|30|
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ http://tu.duowan.com/?r=api/ajaxWeiRecommendGallery
 ## 获取搞笑/今日囧图最新的三个图集
-* #### /api/actionAjaxWeiNewestGallery
+* #### /api/ajaxWeiNewestGallery
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ http://tu.duowan.com/?r=api/actionAjaxWeiNewestGallery
 ## 获取某个标签的所有图集
-* #### /api/actionAjaxWeiToUrgeMore
+* #### /api/ajaxWeiToUrgeMore

+ 33 - 105

@@ -1,105 +1,33 @@
-## 生成账号 & 部署合约
-1. ### 可以用命令行生成公钥/私钥
-bendeMacBook-Pro:~ ben$ `cleos create key --to-console`  
-Private key: 5JgZ2aRteVHmAXdGmjLWzUMMTNMgkoaEcRnSzuQA2nRGMwAsNqB  
-Public key: EOS5UJR2Np5NPaAJaNpew5aQBRpEKdKBKftPcWhA5fngx3mrax2Bp  
-2. ### 通过网站生成账号
-输入 12位的账号、以及上面生成的公钥 生成账号  
-Account name: luckpoint2co  
-Owner Public Key: EOS5UJR2Np5NPaAJaNpew5aQBRpEKdKBKftPcWhA5fngx3mrax2Bp  
-Active Public Key: EOS5UJR2Np5NPaAJaNpew5aQBRpEKdKBKftPcWhA5fngx3mrax2Bp   
-`cleos -u https://api.jungle.alohaeos.com/ get account luckpoint2co`
-* ### 创建一个钱包
-    * `cleos wallet create --to-console` 或者是 `cleos wallet create --name mywallet --to-console`  
-    注意:不带 `--name xxx` 时则使用 `default` 为钱包名字;  
-    如果想对指定钱包操作,每次都需要带上这个参数及名字,在往下的`cleos`对钱包的操作中不再重复  
-    * `cleos wallet unlock --password PW5xxxxxxxxxx...`   
-    后面紧跟着是前面生成的密钥,当然也可能通过隐性的方式输入密钥  
-    如:`cleos wallet unlock`,会提示输入密钥
-    * 导入 luckpoint2co 账号的私钥
-    `cleos wallet import --private-key 5JgZ2aRteVHmAXdGmjLWzUMMTNMgkoaEcRnSzuQA2nRGMwAsNqB` 
-* ### 编译 & 发布合约
-    * 使用 eosiocpp 脚本编译 .cpp 和 .abi 文件:  
-	    ```
-	    cd eos
-	    eosiocpp -o contracts/dice/dice.wast contracts/dice/dice.cpp
-	    eosiocpp -g contracts/dice/dice.abi contracts/dice/dice.cpp
-	    ```
-    * 使用luckpoint2co来发布合约:
-	    ```
-	    cd eos
-	    cleos -u https://api.jungle.alohaeos.com/ set contract luckpoint2co contracts/dice -p luckpoint2co@active
-	    ```
-	    可能出现的问题:  
-	    <font color=red>Error 3080001: Account using more than allotted RAM usage</font>  
-       <font color=gold>
-       Error Details:   
-       account luckpoint2co has insufficient ram; needs 349456 bytes has 167452 bytes
-       </font> 
-    * 买内存Ram:  
-      `cleos system buyram payer receiver "10 EOS"`  
-      例子:  
-       cleos -u https://api.jungle.alohaeos.com/ system buyram  luckpoint2co luckpoint2co --kbytes 1000  
-       可能出现的问题:   
-       <font color=red>Error 3050003: eosio_assert_message assertion failure</font>  
-       <font color=gold>
-Error Details:
-assertion failure with message: no balance object found
-pending console output: 
-	   </font>
-  * 查询用户余额:  
-    cleos -u https://api.jungle.alohaeos.com/ get currency balance eosio.token luckpoint2co   
-    输出:  
-	    ```
-		439.6621 EOS
-		500.0000 JUNGLE
-	    ```
-  * 测试网添加EOS币:  
-    [http://jungle.cryptolions.io/#faucet](http://jungle.cryptolions.io/#faucet)  
-    输入 luckpoint2co ,点击"Send Coins".
-![screenshot of conversion](https://raw.github.com/adam-p/markdown-here/master/store-assets/markdown-here-image1.gimp.png)
-### Table of Contents
-**[Installation Instructions](#installation-instructions)**<br>
-**[Usage Instructions](#usage-instructions)**<br>
-**[Notes and Miscellaneous](#notes-and-miscellaneous)**<br>
-**[Building the Extension Bundles](#building-the-extension-bundles)**<br>
-**[Next Steps, Credits, Feedback, License](#next-steps)**<br>
-## Installation Instructions
-### Chrome
-#### Chrome Web Store
-Go to the [Chrome Web Store page for *Markdown Here*](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/elifhakcjgalahccnjkneoccemfahfoa) and install normally.
-After installing, make sure to reload your webmail or restart Chrome!
+### 设置图库小程序封面图
+<a href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="cover3('<?php echo $pic['pic_id']?>')" class="cover_program" style="color:<?php if ($cover_program_id==$pic['cover_id']):?><?php $cover_program_id=$pic['pic_id']; ?>blue<?php else:?>gray<?php endif; ?>">小程序封面</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
+protected function setProgramCover($pics=array(),$tag){
+    ...
+### 视频批量上传
+public function actionUploadNew(){
+    ...