1234567891011121314151617181920212223 |
- "OK" = "确定";
- "Back" = "返回";
- "Done" = "完成";
- "Sorry" = "抱歉";
- "Cancel" = "取消";
- "Setting" = "设置";
- "Photos" = "照片";
- "Videos" = "视频";
- "Preview" = "预览";
- "Full image" = "原图";
- "Processing..." = "正在处理...";
- "No Photos or Videos" = "无照片或视频";
- "Can not use camera" = "无法使用相机";
- "Synchronizing photos from iCloud" = "正在从iCloud同步照片";
- "Can not choose both video and photo" = "选择照片时不能选择视频";
- "Can not choose both photo and GIF" = "选择照片时不能选择 GIF";
- "Select the video when in multi state, we will handle the video as a photo" = "多选状态下选择视频,默认将视频当图片发送";
- "Can not jump to the privacy settings page, please go to the settings page by self, thank you" = "无法跳转到隐私设置页面,请手动前往设置页面,谢谢";
- "Select a maximum of %zd photos" = "你最多只能选择%zd张照片";
- "Select a minimum of %zd photos" = "请至少选择%zd张照片";
- "Allow %@ to access your album in \"Settings -> Privacy -> Photos\"" = "请在iPhone的\"设置-隐私-照片\"选项中,\r允许%@访问你的手机相册";
- "Please allow %@ to access your camera in \"Settings -> Privacy -> Camera\"" = "请在iPhone的\"设置-隐私-相机\"中允许%@访问相机";