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//最近比赛渲染模板 var Personal = function(type) { this.gameZone = getURLParam("gameZone"); this.userId = getURLParam("userId"); this.urlServerName = getURLParam("serverName"); this.urlPlayerName = getURLParam("playerName"); this.serverName = encodeURIComponent(this.urlServerName); this.playerName = encodeURIComponent(this.urlPlayerName); this.boxUserId = $.cookie("boxUserId"); this.boxPlayerName = encodeURIComponent($.cookie("boxPlayerName")); this.boxPlayerName = encodeURIComponent($.cookie("boxPlayerName")); this.type = type;//页面类型 this.Services = "http://api.lolbox.duowan.com/api/v3/player/"; this.baseUrl = "http://api.lolbox.duowan.com/api/v3/player/"+ this.gameZone +"/" + this.userId + '/'; //饼图默认设置 this.highchartsOpts = { chart: { type: 'pie' }, plotOptions: { series: { dataLabels: { enabled: false } } }, tooltip: { enabled:false }, drilldown: { series: null } }; this.init(); }; Personal.prototype = { constructor: Personal, init: function() { var self = this; self.bindEvents(); //获取除开KDA那行的其他数据 self._getData().done(function(result, status, xhr) { // 数据重组 var isMyself = result.is_myself; var followed = result.followed; var data = result.player_list[0]; self.userInfo = data; // 缓存数据 data.isSelf = isMyself; data.followed = followed; // 视图渲染 self._render(data); self.renderByPageType(); self._moreGameResult(); }); $('#modeTabs>li').each(function(item) { var pageName = $(this).data('name'); $(this).find('a').attr('href', pageName + '.html?serverName=' + self.serverName + '&playerName=' + self.playerName + '&userId=' + self.userId + '&gameZone=' + self.gameZone); }); // 非本人才显示返回按钮 if ( self.boxUserId != self.userId ) { $('.common-page__goBack').css('visibility', 'visible'); } }, // 页面渲染路由 renderByPageType: function() { switch(this.type) { case 'tab1': this.renderTab1();break; case 'tab2': this.renderTab2();break; case 'tab3': this.renderTab3();break; case 'tab4': this.renderTab4();break; } }, // 战绩总览页面渲染入口 renderTab1: function() { var self = this; //近20场比赛 $('#compositeRateContainer').highcharts($.extend({}, this.highchartsOpts, { colors: ['#eeeeee', '#9ec8eb'], series: [{ colorByPoint: true, data: [{ y: 100 - self.userInfo.stat_perf.kda.average_win_rate }, { y: self.userInfo.stat_perf.kda.average_win_rate }] }] })); var userPosition = parseInt($('.data-userPosition').attr("data-percent"), 10) || 0; userPosition = userPosition >= 100 ? 100 : userPosition; //最强位置 $('#jungleAreaContainer').highcharts($.extend({}, this.highchartsOpts, { colors: ['#eeeeee','#a1d8b9'], series: [{ colorByPoint: true, data: [{ y: 100 - userPosition }, { y: userPosition }] }] })); // 最近比赛跳转 $(document).on('click', '#history li', function() { var historyId = $(this).index(); location.href = "historyRecord.html?serverName=" + self.serverName + "&playerName=" + self.playerName + "&userId=" + self.userId + "&gameZone=" + self.gameZone + '&historyId=' + historyId; }) }, // 历史战绩页面渲染入口 renderTab2: function() {}, // 擅长领域页面渲染入口 renderTab3: function() { var self = this; var defaultColors = ['#eeeeee', '#9ec8eb']; var navLists = ['打野','输出','辅助']; // TAB切换 $('.content-nav li').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).data('id'); renderByNav(id); $(this).addClass('active').siblings().removeClass('active'); }); //初始化第一个TAB renderByNav(0); // 内容渲染 function renderByNav(index) { var type = decodeURI(navLists[index]); //获取视频数据 getVideosData(type, 4).done(function(resp) { if(resp && resp.videos) { // 更多推荐视频路由 var videos = resp.videos, moreLink; switch(index) { case 0: moreLink = 'http://v.huya.com/lol/jiaoxue/daye.html';break; case 1: moreLink = 'http://v.huya.com/t/shuchushipin.html';break; case 2: moreLink = 'http://v.huya.com/t/fuzhushipin.html';break; }; videos.moreLink = moreLink; // 推荐视频渲染 var templateVideos = _.template($("#detailVideosTemp").html()); $("#detailVideos").html(templateVideos({ data: videos })); } }); // 获取区间数据 self.getUserRank().done(function(o) { if ( o.results[0] ) { self.ZoneData = o.results; renderMainModule(index); // 依赖区间数据 } }) } // 擅长领域中间部分数据重组和渲染 function renderMainModule(index) { // 用户段位 var duanwei = parseInt($('.userDuanwei').attr('data-duanwei'), 10); // 算法表 var title = [ '个人参团数/团队团战数', //参团率 '小龙击杀数量/小龙复活次数', //大小龙率 '支援成功次数/支援次数', //GANK率 '个人存活时间/游戏持续时间', //存活率 '个人输出量/团队总体输出量', //输出率 '个人插(排)眼数/团队总(插)眼数', //插/反眼率 ]; // 数据构造 var positionEname = ['jungler','adc','support']; var Position = self.userInfo.stat_perf.position_perf; var Database = { // 饼图名字关系表 t_chart__name: [ {'name1': '参团率', 'name2': '小龙率', 'name3': 'GANK率', 'title1': title[0], 'title2': title[1], 'title3': title[2]}, {'name1': '存活率', 'name2': '参团率', 'name3': '输出率', 'title1': title[3], 'title2': title[0], 'title3': title[4]}, {'name1': '存活率', 'name2': '参团率', 'name3': '视野率', 'title1': title[3], 'title2': title[0], 'title3': title[5]} ], // 概率关系表 t_chart_rate: [ {'rate1': Position.rate_assists_jungler, 'rate2': Position.rate_dragon_killed_jungler || 0, 'rate3': Position.rate_gank_jungler}, {'rate1': Position.rate_keep_alive_adc, 'rate2': Position.rate_assists_adc, 'rate3': Position.rate_damage_adc}, {'rate1': Position.rate_keep_alive_support, 'rate2': Position.rate_assists_support, 'rate3': Position.rate_vision_support} ], // 区间概率 zone: [ {'zone1': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_assists_jungler'], 'zone2': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_dragon_killed_jungler'], 'zone3': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_gank_jungler']}, {'zone1': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_keep_alive_adc'], 'zone2': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_assists_adc'], 'zone3': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_damage_adc']}, {'zone1': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_keep_alive_support'], 'zone2': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_assists_support'], 'zone3': self.ZoneData[duanwei]['rate_vision_support']} ], // 列表标题关系表 t_list__name: ['打野', '输出', '辅助'], // 底部场均信号沟通等数据 t_bottom: [ {signal: Position.signals_sent_jungler, eye: Position.rate_vision_jungler || 0, kill: Position.neutral_minions_killed_jungler, tower: Position.turrets_killed_jungler}, //打野 {signal: Position.signals_sent_adc, eye: Position.rate_vision_adc || 0, kill: Position.neutral_minions_killed_adc, tower: Position.turrets_killed_adc}, //输出 {signal: Position.signals_sent_support, eye: Position.rate_vision_support || 0, kill: Position.neutral_minions_killed_support, tower: Position.turrets_killed_support} //辅助 ] } // 渲染 var templateMain = _.template($("#detailMainTemp").html()); $("#detailMain").html(templateMain({ data: { // 三个概率图 chart1: { name: Database.t_chart__name[index]['name1'], rate: Database.t_chart_rate[index]['rate1'], title: Database.t_chart__name[index]['title1'] }, chart2: { name: Database.t_chart__name[index]['name2'], rate: Database.t_chart_rate[index]['rate2'], title: Database.t_chart__name[index]['title2'] }, chart3: { name: Database.t_chart__name[index]['name3'], rate: Database.t_chart_rate[index]['rate3'], title: Database.t_chart__name[index]['title3'] }, // 常在打野、输出、辅助列表 list: { title: Database.t_list__name[index], data: self.userInfo.stat_perf.position_champ[positionEname[index]] }, // 底部场均信号沟通等数据 bottom: Database.t_bottom[index], zone: Database.zone[index], All: Position } })); // 渲染饼图 renderEcharts({ rate1: Database.t_chart_rate[index]['rate1'], rate2: Database.t_chart_rate[index]['rate2'], rate3: Database.t_chart_rate[index]['rate3'] }); } // 渲染饼图 function renderEcharts(rateData) { $('#gankContainer').highcharts($.extend({}, self.highchartsOpts, { colors: defaultColors, series: [{ colorByPoint: true, data: [{ y: 100 - rateData.rate1 }, { y: rateData.rate1 }] }] })); $('#joinPartyContainer').highcharts($.extend({}, self.highchartsOpts, { colors: ['#eeeeee', '#f7cebe'], series: [{ colorByPoint: true, data: [{ y: 100 - rateData.rate2 }, { y: rateData.rate2 }] }] })); $('#dragonContainer').highcharts($.extend({}, self.highchartsOpts, { colors: defaultColors, series: [{ colorByPoint: true, data: [{ y: 100 - rateData.rate3 }, { y: rateData.rate3 }] }] })); } // 获取推荐视频 function getVideosData(type, limit) { var url = 'http://v.huya.com/?r=api/GetVideoForBox&location=' + type + '&limit=' + limit; return $.ajax({ url: url, dataType: 'jsonp' }); } }, // 个人成就页面渲染入口 renderTab4: function() { var self = this; // 个人成就拆分逻辑加载 $.getScript( achievementJS, function() { App.highchartsOpts = self.highchartsOpts; App.defaultColors = ['#eeeeee', '#9ec8eb']; }); }, // 事件绑定 bindEvents: function() { var self = this; $("body").delegate(".handles .copy", "click", function(e) { event.preventDefault(); if (window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData !== undefined) { var achievement = $(this).parent().find(".copy-text").text(); window.clipboardData.setData('Text', achievement); alert('复制成功'); } }); $("body").delegate(".combat-explain,.handles a", 'click', function(e) { var stat = $(this).attr("stat-sign") || '', yaDxinesc = $(this).attr("stat-desc") || '', yaCode = "click/"+stat; try { window.external.data_report(yaCode, yaDxinesc); } catch(err) {} }); $("body").delegate('.blacklist', 'click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if($(this).hasClass('hide-list')) { $(this).removeClass('hide-list').html('隐藏拉黑'); $('.blacklist-content2').show(); } else{ $(this).addClass('hide-list').html('拉黑'); $('.blacklist-content2').hide(); } }); $("body").on('mouseenter', '.table-history__lastseason .toggle-s4-s5', function(e) { $('.s4-s5').show(); $('.table-arrow').addClass('up'); }).on('mouseleave', '.table-history', function() { $('.s4-s5').hide(); $('.table-arrow').removeClass('up'); });; $("#screenshot").on("click", function(e) { $('.share').removeClass('hover'); setTimeout(function () { window.location.href = 'lolboxphoto://'+data.game_zone.server_name+'_'+data.pn+'_玩家详情'; }, 200); }); /* 关注鼠标悬浮显示 */ $(document).on('mouseenter', '.name-info', function(event) { $('.userInfo-common__focus').show(); }).on('mouseleave', '.name-info', _.debounce(function(){ $('.userInfo-common__focus').hide(); }, 4000)) //关注、取消关注 $("body").delegate(".attention", "click", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if(!self.boxUserId) { alert('非法操作,请至少登陆一次游戏!'); return; } var type = $(this).attr("data-action"), that = this; var action = type == 'addFocus' ? 'follow' : 'unfollow'; var url = "http://api.lolbox.duowan.com/api/v3/player/"+self.gameZone+"/" + self.boxUserId + '/'+action+'/?user_id='+self.userId; $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'get', dataType: 'jsonp', success: function(result) { if (result) { if(type == "addFocus") { $(that).addClass("already").attr("data-action", "removeFocus") .find("span").html("已关注"); } else { $(that).removeClass("already").attr("data-action", "addFocus") .find("span").html("关注"); } } } }); }); // 返回上一页 $('.common-page__goBack').on('click', function() { window.history.back(); return false; }); // 刷新按钮 $('.common-page__reflash').on('click', function() { location.reload(); }); }, // 获取个人详细信息 _getData: function() { var url = this.baseUrl; var args = {}; var boxUrlData = $.cookie("boxUrlData"); var wsSecret = boxUrlData.split("&")[1]; var ts = boxUrlData.split("&")[0]; args['wsSecret'] = wsSecret; args['ts'] = ts; return $.ajax({ url: url, data: args, type: 'GET', dataType: 'jsonp' }); }, _getKDAData: function() { var url = this.baseUrl + "?_do=personal/positionhonorkda&serverName=" + this.serverName + "&playerName=" + this.playerName; return $.ajax({ url: url, type: 'GET', dataType: 'jsonp' }); }, // 数据渲染入口 _render: function(data) { var self = this; self.userInfo = data; // 数据备份 self.playerId = data.user_id; // 个人信息数据渲染 self._renderPersonalInfo(data); //战绩总览数据渲染 if( self.type == 'tab1' ) { $(".fighting-history__view").html(generalEchartsTpl({data: data})); try{ self._renderHistory(data); self._renderKDA(data); }catch(e){} } // 广告接入 $('.p-adwrap').html($('.ad-module a')); // 内容显示 $(".box-bd").show(); }, // 个人信息通用模块渲染 _renderPersonalInfo: function(data) { var href = "historyRecord.html?serverName=" + this.serverName + "&playerName=" + this.playerName + "&userId=" + this.userId + "&gameZone=" + this.gameZone; var attentionUrl = "http://lolbox.duowan.com/webApi.php?serverName=" + this.serverName + "&playerName=" + this.playerName + "&targetServerName=" + this.boxServerName + "&targetPlayerName=" + this.boxPlayerName + "&action="; //储存个人信息 data.global = {}; //二维码url data.global.qrcodeUrl = "http://lolbox.duowan.com/qrcode.php?openmode=barcode&serverName=" + this.serverName + "&playerName=" + this.playerName; //头像url,点击去到战绩页面 data.global.href = href; //关注/取消关注接口baseUrl data.global.aUrl = attentionUrl; $("#currentNav").html(data.pn+"("+data.game_zone.alias+")").attr("href", location.href); // 头部个人信息模板渲染 $("#personalInfo").html(personalInfoTpl({data: data})); var client = new ZeroClipboard( document.getElementById("copy-button") ); client.on( "ready", function( readyEvent ) { client.on( "aftercopy", function( event ) { alert("复制成功!用户名:" + event.data["text/plain"] ); }); }); // 称号图片地址 // if ( data.honor_title ) { // var placeholder = $('.userMedal').attr('src'); // var src = placeholder.replace('placeholder', ['a_level_', data.honor_title].join('')); // $('.userMedal').attr('src', src); // } }, _renderKDA: function(data) { this._renderDaYe(data); this._renderKDADetail(data); }, _renderDaYe: function(data) { var colorsArr = ['#fbb28f','#cea9d7','#fa9f9f','#80c989','#9dc7eb'], setColors = [], setData = [], i=0; var statPosition = data.stat_position;//英雄位置统计 if(statPosition) { for(var key in statPosition) { var value = statPosition[key]; if(key != 'total_game' && value != 0) { var keyTxt = ''; switch(key) { case 'adc': keyTxt = 'ADC';break; case 'jungler': keyTxt = '打野';break; case 'mid': keyTxt = '中单';break; case 'support': keyTxt = '辅助';break; case 'top': keyTxt = '上单';break; }; setData.push({ value: value, label: keyTxt }); setColors.push(colorsArr[i++]); } } } $("body").delegate("#daYe, .kda-li, .kill-li", "mouseenter", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if($(this).hasClass("da-ye")) { $(".daye-hover").show(); } else if($(this).hasClass("kda-li")) { $(".kda-hover").show(); } else { $(".kill-hover").show(); } }); $("body").delegate("#daYe, .kda-li, .kill-li", "mouseleave", function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if($(this).hasClass("da-ye")) { $(".daye-hover").hide(); } else if($(this).hasClass("kda-li")) { $(".kda-hover").hide(); } else { $(".kill-hover").hide(); } }); //近7天英雄使用次数 $("#heroTime").html(statPosition.total_game); }, _renderKDADetail: function(data) { var template = _.template($("#kdaTemp").html()); $("#kda").html(template({ data: data })); }, _renderHistory: function(data) { var nextFirstWinTime = data.timestamp_until_next_first_win_bonus; var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); $(".f-time").html('首胜可用'); $("#firstMsg").addClass('active-status'); if ( currentTime < nextFirstWinTime*1000 ) { $("#firstMsg").removeClass('active-status'); countDown(nextFirstWinTime, '.f-time'); } $("#firstMsg").on('mouseenter', function(e) { $('.first-win-hover').show(); }).on('mouseleave', function(e) { $('.first-win-hover').hide(); }); // 倒计时方法 function countDown(times, target) { var times = Math.ceil(parseInt(times)*1000); var timerId = setInterval(function() { if ( times <= 0 ) { $(target).html('首胜可用'); $("#firstMsg").addClass('active-status'); return; } var h = parseInt(times % 86400 / 3600), m = parseInt(times % 86400 % 3600 / 60), s = parseInt(times % 86400 % 3600 % 60 % 60); s = s < 10 ? '0' + s : s; $(target).html([h,':',m,':',s].join('')); times--; }, 1*1000); } //最近战绩 setTimeout(function() { $("#history").html(generalHistoryTpl({ data: data.game_recent_list })).niceScroll({ cursorcolor: "#D9D9D9", cursorwidth: "8", cursoropacitymin: 1, cursorborder: 'none' }); }); }, _moreGameResult: function() { var href = "historyRecord.html?serverName=" + this.urlServerName + "&playerName=" + this.urlPlayerName+'&userId='+this.userId+'&gameZone='+this.gameZone; $("#moreGameResult").attr("href", href); }, // 获取【擅长领域】TAB区间数据 getUserRank: function() { var self = this; return $.ajax({ url: self.Services + self.gameZone + '/perf_ave/', dataType: 'jsonp' }); } }; function getURLParam(name) { var value = location.search.match(new RegExp("[?&]" + name + "=([^&]*)(&?)", "i")); return value ? decodeURIComponent(value[1]) : value; } function getCookie(cookieName) { var cookieString = document.cookie; var start = cookieString.indexOf(cookieName + '='); // 加上等号的原因是避免在某些 Cookie 的值里有 // 与 cookieName 一样的字符串。 if (start == -1) // 找不到 return null; start += cookieName.length + 1; var end = cookieString.indexOf(';', start); if (end == -1) return cookieString.substring(start); return cookieString.substring(start, end); } function beenBlockedTimes(action) { var boxPlayerName = decodeURI(getCookie('boxPlayerName')); var boxServerName = decodeURI(getCookie('boxServerName')); $.ajax({ url: "http://lolbox.duowan.com/webApi.php", data: {serverName: boxServerName, playerName: boxPlayerName, action: action}, cache: false, success: function (msg) { if (msg == 1) { location.reload(); } else if (msg == -1) { alert('非法操作,请至少登陆一次游戏!'); } }, error: function () { } }); } window.Personal = Personal; })(window); $(function() { new Personal('tab1'); });