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-                        <span>07-09</span>
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-                        <span>07-09</span>
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-                        <span>07-09</span>
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-                        <span>07-09</span>
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-                        <span>07-09</span>
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+ 86 - 57

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+ 447 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+// ---- 助力竞猜分享模板js ----
+var Swiper = require('swiper.min.js');//轮播
+var matchListTpl = __inline("/src/tpl/share/matchSlider.tmpl"); //比赛列表
+var matchWeekTpl = __inline("/src/tpl/share/matchWeek.tmpl"); //比赛周列表
+var modalTpl = __inline("/src/tpl/share/modal.tmpl"); //弹窗模板
+var QRcodeTpl = __inline("/src/tpl/share/QRcode.tmpl");
+var MatchList = []; //比赛信息
+var swiper = null;
+var mobileFlag = false //移动端标识 true => 移动端 默认pc端
+var btnMoreFlag = true //展开更多按钮点击标识
+var API = '//match-guess.duowan.com';
+var AC_ID = $('.page-stake').attr('data-acid') //活动ID
+var C = {
+    init: function() {
+        this.guessShow();
+        this.weekSelect();
+        this.showMore();
+        this.submitWin();
+        this.liveQueSubmit();
+        this.maskClick();
+    },
+    guessShow: function() {
+        // 更多竞猜
+        $(document).on('click', '.match-guess-btn', function(){
+            if($(this).prev().hasClass('match-guess-wrap')){
+                $(this).prev().slideToggle();
+                $(this).find('.arrow-down-icon').toggleClass('rotate')
+            }
+            else{
+                alert('没有更多竞猜了')
+            }
+        })
+    },
+    weekSelect: function() {
+        $(document).on('click', '.week-btn-wrap .btn', function() {
+            $('.week-btn-wrap').find('.btn').removeClass('active');
+            $(this).addClass('active');
+            var weekVal = $(this).attr('data-week');
+            V.renderMatchList(MatchList.data[weekVal], mobileFlag);
+        })
+    },
+    showMore: function() {
+        // 点击更多
+        $(document).on('click', '.btn-more', function() {
+            var $btnWrap = $('.week-select').find('.week-btn-wrap');
+            $btnWrap.toggleClass('showmore');
+            $btnWrap.hasClass('showmore') ? $(this).text('收起更多') : $(this).text('展开更多');
+        })
+    },
+    // 胜负提交
+    submitWin: function(){
+        $(document).on('click', '.guess-submit', function() {
+            var guessId = $(this).attr('data-guess');
+            var optionId = $(this).attr('data-option');
+            var matchId = $(this).parents('.top-swiper-slide').attr('data-match');
+            var param = {
+                guess_id: guessId,
+                option_id: optionId,
+                match_id: matchId
+            };
+            M.submitAnswer(param, $(this));
+        })
+    },
+    // 实况问题提交
+    liveQueSubmit: function() {
+        $(document).on('click', '.live-que-submit', function() {
+            var param = [];
+            var $quewrap = $(this).parent('.match-guess-wrap');
+            var matchId = $(this).parents('.top-swiper-slide').attr('data-match');
+            // var step = 0;
+            var queSum = $quewrap.find('.que-radio').length;
+            var guessId= '';
+            var optionId = '';
+            $quewrap.find('.que-radio').each(function() {
+                // var guessId = $(this).attr('data-guess');
+                var $radio = $(this).find('input[type="radio"]');
+                $radio.each(function() {
+                    // 选中
+                    if($(this).is(':checked')){
+                        // step++;
+                        guessId = $(this).attr('data-guess');
+                        optionId = $(this).attr('data-option');
+                        param.push({
+                            guess_id: guessId,
+                            option_id: optionId,
+                            match_id: matchId
+                        })
+                    }
+                })
+            })
+            if(param.length != queSum){
+                alert('还有竞猜没完成哦');
+                // V.showModal('还有竞猜没完成哦')
+                return;
+            }
+            M.liveQueSubmit(param,$(this));
+        })
+    },
+    maskClick() {
+        $(document).on('click', '.pub-guess-masker', function() {
+            $(this).remove()
+        })
+        $(document).on('click', '.pub-guess-modal', function(e) {
+            return false
+        })
+    }
+var V = {
+    init: function() {
+        this.screenInit();
+        this.setPrecent();
+        M.getMatchList();
+    },
+    screenInit: function() {
+        // 页面初始化设置
+        var winWidth = $(window).width();
+        if(winWidth > 750) {
+            this.initSwiper(4);
+        }else {
+            this.initSwiper(2);
+            mobileFlag = true;
+        }
+        var btnLen = $('.week-btn-wrap').find('.btn').length;
+        if(btnLen > 9 && !mobileFlag && btnMoreFlag){
+            btnMoreFlag = false
+            $('.week-select').find('.btn-more').trigger('click');
+        }
+    },
+    // 轮播
+    initSwiper: function(num) {
+        swiper = new Swiper('.top-swiper-container', {
+            slidesPerView: num,
+            centeredSlides: false,
+            spaceBetween: 2,
+            slideClass : 'top-swiper-slide',
+            navigation: {
+              nextEl: '.swiper-button-next',
+              prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev',
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    setPrecent: function() {
+        // 设置百分比进度条
+        var prencetWidth = $('.match-precent').find('.progress').width();
+        var progressAll = prencetWidth - 40;
+        $('.progress').find('.num').each(function() {
+            var num = $(this).html().replace('%','');
+            var length = progressAll * (num/100);
+            $(this).parent().find('.length').width(length);
+        })
+    },
+    // 参数灵活配置按天分组还是按周分组
+    // 确认第几周
+    confirmWeek: function(data) {
+        var flag = false;
+        var keyArr = [];
+        for(var i in data) {
+            keyArr.push(i);
+            var startTime = data[i][0]["start_time"];
+            if(Week.getWeekTime(startTime)){
+                flag = true;
+                return i;
+            }
+            // debugger
+        }
+        // 没匹配,默认显示第一个key
+        if(!flag) {
+            return keyArr[0];
+        }
+    },
+    // 确认第几天
+    confirmDay: function(data) {
+        var flag = false;
+        var keyArr = [];
+        for(var i in data) {
+            keyArr.push(i);
+            var startTime = data[i][0]["start_time_md"];
+            if(Day.getDayTime(startTime)){
+                flag = true;
+                return i;
+            }
+            // debugger
+        }
+        // 没匹配,默认显示第一个key
+        if(!flag) {
+            return keyArr[0];
+        }
+    },
+    // 比赛列表 新增移动端判断参数 moblie
+    renderMatchList: function(obj, moblie) {
+        var dom = matchListTpl({data: obj,moblie: moblie});
+        $('.match-slider-wrap').remove();
+        $('.page-stake').append(dom);
+        V.screenInit();
+        V.setPrecent();
+    },
+    // 日期选择
+    // 参数: 比赛列表 当前显示日期索引 分组规则 移动端显示规则
+    renderWeekSel: function(obj,i,group,moblie) {
+        var dom = matchWeekTpl({data: obj,curWeek: i, group: group, moblie: moblie});
+        $('.page-stake').append(dom);
+    },
+    // 弹窗显示
+    showModal: function(data) {
+        var dom = modalTpl({data})
+        $('body').append(dom)
+    },
+    // 显示弹窗类型
+    showQRcode: function(defalutMsg){
+        if(dwUDBProxy.isLogin()){
+            $.ajax({
+                dataType: 'jsonp',
+                url: API + '/encour/getTodayAllot?ac_id=' + AC_ID,
+                success: function(data){
+                    if(data.rs){
+                        if(data.needTip != false){
+                            new Image().src = 'http://clickstats.duowan.com/index.php?r=stats/index&event=match_guess_encour_allot'
+                            var dom = QRcodeTpl(),
+                                codeUrl = 'http://hdzt.duowan.com/s/zljc.html?code=',
+                                codeEle,qrcode;
+                            if($('.QRcode-guess-masker').length < 1){
+                                $('body').append(dom);
+                                codeEle = document.getElementById('guess-QRcode');
+                                qrcode = new QRCode(codeEle,{
+                                    text: codeUrl + data.progress.progress_code,
+                                    height: 160,
+                                    width: 160
+                                });
+                                $('.QRcode-guess-masker').on('click','.close',function(){
+                                    $('.QRcode-guess-masker').remove();
+                                })
+                            }
+                        }else{
+                            alert(defalutMsg);
+                        }
+                    }else{
+                        alert(data.msg);
+                    }
+                },
+                error: function(){
+                    // alert('请先登录')
+                    dwUDBProxy.login("") //登录成功地址,默认当前页
+                }
+            });
+        } else{
+            dwUDBProxy.login("")
+        }
+    }
+var M = {
+    // 比赛列表
+    getMatchList: function() {
+        var type = $('.page-stake').attr('data-group');
+        $.ajax({
+            dataType: 'jsonp',
+            url: API+'/matches/list?ac_id='+AC_ID,
+            data: {
+                groupMode: type
+            },
+            success: function(data){
+                var matchList = []
+                var data = data.data
+                for(var i in data){
+                    matchList = matchList.concat(data[i])
+                }
+                var index = 0;
+                var pIndex = $('.page-stake-zm').attr('ind')
+                $.each(matchList, function(i,e) {
+                    if(e.status == 1){
+                        index = i;
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                })
+                index = pIndex ? pIndex : index
+                V.renderMatchList(matchList, mobileFlag);
+                // 自动滚动到进行中的位置
+                swiper.slideTo(index, 0, false)
+                /*MatchList = data;
+                MatchList.length =  Object.keys(data.data).length;
+                if(type == "week") {
+                    var i = V.confirmWeek(MatchList.data);
+                }
+                if(type == "day") {
+                    var i = V.confirmDay(MatchList.data);
+                }
+                V.renderWeekSel(Object.keys(data.data),i,type,mobileFlag);
+                // var testArr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
+                // V.renderWeekSel(testArr,i,type,mobileFlag);
+                var matchTemp = MatchList.data[i];
+                var index = 0; //进行中的索引
+                $.each(matchTemp, function(i ,e) {
+                    if(e.status == 1) {
+                        index = i;
+                        return false;
+                    }
+                })
+                V.renderMatchList(MatchList.data[i], mobileFlag);
+                // 自动滚动到进行中的位置
+                swiper.slideTo(index, 0, false)*/
+            },
+            error: function(){
+                // 登录态失效
+                // data.isLogin = false;
+                // V.renderGuessModal(data);
+            }
+        });
+    },
+    // 胜负竞猜提交
+    submitAnswer: function(obj, $this) {
+        if(dwUDBProxy.isLogin()){
+            $.ajax({
+                dataType: 'jsonp',
+                url: API+'/guess/SubmitWin?ac_id='+AC_ID,
+                data: obj,
+                success: function(data){
+                    if(data.rs){
+                        V.showQRcode(data.msg);
+                        $this.parents('.top-swiper-slide').find('.match-precent').removeClass('pre-hidden');
+                        if($this.hasClass('red-team')){
+                            $this.parent().find('.blue-team').addClass('team-unselect');
+                        } else if($this.hasClass('blue-team')){
+                            $this.parent().find('.red-team').addClass('team-unselect');
+                        }
+                    } else {
+                        alert(data.msg)
+                    }
+                },
+                error: function(){
+                    // alert('请先登录')
+                    dwUDBProxy.login("") //登录成功地址,默认当前页
+                }
+            });
+        } else{
+            dwUDBProxy.login("") //登录成功地址,默认当前页
+        }
+    },
+    // 实况问题提交
+    liveQueSubmit: function(param,$this) {
+        if(dwUDBProxy.isLogin()){
+            $.ajax({
+                dataType: 'jsonp',
+                url: API+'/guess/SubmitLives?ac_id='+AC_ID,
+                data: {args: param},
+                success: function(data){
+                    if(data.rs) {
+                        V.showQRcode(data.msg);
+                    } else {
+                        alert(data.msg)
+                    }
+                },
+                error: function() {
+                    // alert('请先登录');
+                    dwUDBProxy.login("") //登录成功地址,默认当前页
+                }
+            });
+        } else {
+            dwUDBProxy.login("") //登录成功地址,默认当前页
+        }
+    }
+var Week = {
+    getWeekTime: function(curTimes) {
+        var now = new Date();
+        var nowTime = now.getTime() ;
+        var day = now.getDay();
+        if(day == 0) {
+            day = 7;
+        }
+        var oneDayLong = 24*60*60*1000 ;
+        var MondayTime = nowTime - (day-1)*oneDayLong  ;
+        var SundayTime =  nowTime + (7-day)*oneDayLong ;
+        //本周年份
+        var yearMonday = new Date(MondayTime).getFullYear();
+        var yearSunday = new Date(SundayTime).getFullYear();
+        // 本周月份
+        var monMonday = new Date(MondayTime).getMonth()+1;
+        var monSunday = new Date(SundayTime).getMonth()+1;
+        // 本周日期
+        var dayMonday = new Date(MondayTime).getDate();
+        var daySunday = new Date(SundayTime).getDate();
+        function getTime(year,month,day){
+            return year+'/'+month+'/'+day
+        }
+        // 一周开始时间截
+        var timesStart = (new Date(getTime(yearMonday,monMonday,dayMonday)+' 00:00:00').getTime())/1000;
+        // 一周结束时间截
+        var timesEnd = (new Date(getTime(yearSunday,monSunday,daySunday)+' 23:59:59').getTime())/1000;
+        // debugger
+        if(curTimes > timesStart && curTimes < timesEnd){
+            return true;
+        }
+        else{
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+var Day = {
+    getDayTime: function(curDay) {
+        var now = new Date();
+        var month = now.getMonth() + 1;
+        var day = now.getDate();
+        var year = now.getFullYear();
+        var mathchMon = curDay.split('-')[0]
+        var mathchDay = curDay.split('-')[1]
+        if(month < 10) {
+            month = '0' + month
+        }
+        if(day < 10) {
+            day = '0' + day
+        }
+        // var dayStr = month+'-'+day
+        var nowTime = new Date(year+'/'+month+'/'+day+' 00:00:00').getTime()
+        var matchTime = new Date(year+'/'+mathchMon+'/'+mathchDay+' 00:00:00').getTime()
+        if(nowTime == matchTime || nowTime < matchTime) {
+            return true;
+        } else {
+            return false;
+        }
+    }
+// Day.getDayTime()

+ 544 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,544 @@
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+        height: 26px;
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+            &:hover{
+                background-color: #29a922;
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+            &:hover{
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+            }
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+        display: none;
+        height: 30px;
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+        color: #ffffff;
+        font-size: 12px;
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+    }
+    .week-btn-wrap{
+        float: left;
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+        // display: flex;
+        height: 38px;
+        overflow: hidden;
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+            width: 104px;
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+        &.showmore{
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+            color: #333;
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+        height: 28px;
+        line-height: 28px;
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+        font-size: 12px !important;
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+        display: flex;
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+    height: 109px;
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+        display: none;
+    }

+ 1 - 1

@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
                         <img src='<%=data[i]["left_team_logo"]%>' alt="">
                     <div class="match-item">
-                        <div class="score"><%=data[i].left_win%>:<%=data[i].right_win%></div>
+                        <div class="score"><span class="left"><%=data[i].left_win%></span>:<span class="right"><%=data[i].right_win%></span></div>
                     <div class="match-item">
                         <div class="title"><%=data[i].right_team_name%></div>